Page 7 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 7

                                                                             Even though there are mounting challenges,
                                                                             Blas reported that the current mood of
                                                                             investing in the African e-commerce
                                                                             logistics industry is highly optimistic and
                                                                             promising. “Investors are increasingly
                                                                             recognizing the immense growth potential
                                                                             of the African market and the opportunities
                                                                             presented by the e-commerce and logistics
                                                                             sectors. Several factors contribute to the
                                                   Logistics                 positive investment sentiment including
                                                   stakeholders need to      the rapidly expanding e-commerce
                                                                             market, favourable demographic trends,
                                                   digitise and automate     infrastructure development, growing
                                                   their daily delivery      investor confidence and supportive
                                                   processes to deliver      government policies,” she said.
                                                                                She added, “With the right
                                                   on these rapidly          investments and partnerships, the
                                                   evolving customer         industry has the potential to drive
                                                   expectations.             economic development, employment
                                                                             opportunities, and technological
                                                           SOHAM CHOKSHI     advancements across the continent.”
         including partnerships with local logistics                 SHIPSY     Chokshi also thinks that the need to
         providers and the use of technology like                            rapidly digitise supply chain processes
         mapping systems and GPS tracking. These   which offers secure online transactions   to build resiliency and reduce overall
         initiatives help optimise last-mile delivery,   and protects against fraud. “By leveraging   logistics costs will further generate massive
         improve efficiency, and ensure prompt   JumiaPay, shippers can mitigate   investment opportunities in Africa.
         delivery to customers' doorsteps.”  payment risks and ensure a trustworthy   “The greater need for integrated
           Africa comprises diverse countries with   and reliable payment system for their   logistics services, increasing demand for
         varying regulations, customs processes,   transactions,” she said.  online deliveries powered by growth in
         and languages. Blas pointed out that   While e-commerce in Africa has   the e-commerce sector and the need to
         navigating the complexities of cross-border   made significant progress in enhancing   improve transportation infrastructure as
         logistics and compliance can be daunting   customer experience, there are still a few   aimed by Africa Continental Free Trade
         for shippers.                     drawbacks that can impact the overall   Area (AfCFTA) will attract significant
           “Jumia's extensive experience in   customer journey.              investments from both public and private
         operating across multiple African countries                         entities,” he said.
         enables it to navigate these challenges   CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE          Meanwhile, Tempest reminded that
         effectively. The company has established   For instance, while mentioning the   investments will only happen if there is
         partnerships and developed streamlined   challenges of delivery delays and security   solid research done on the market. He said,
         processes to facilitate cross-border   concerns, Blas noted that by actively   “We try to encourage better research. If
         logistics and ensure compliance with local   addressing these drawbacks, e-commerce   you have independent research or at least
         regulations,” she said.           platforms can improve the overall   by the government, it is very much better
           On the same line, Tempest noted that   customer experience.       to attract investments. If investors don't
         the biggest challenge in doing cross-  Meanwhile, Chokshi said, “Modern   see research, then they start not to be very
         border e-commerce business in Africa   consumers want to know where their   interested in investing.”
         is customs facilitation. “Even though we   orders are, who is delivering them and   The African continent has a big
         have smart contracts with blockchain and   the exact ETA of the delivery. They want   untapped potential while looking from
         e-documentation, which are very efficient   their favourite brands to recommend   the e-commerce point of view. However,
         and seamless, when it comes to the   delivery time slots that suit them. At the   there are many things to get corrected
         frontiers, officials many times want to see   same time, end customers are increasingly   and transformed, particularly the logistics
         the physical documents. A document sent   looking for flexible and digital payment   infrastructure that supports it. Even
         by email is not enough. This delays things   options. Even when it comes to after-sales   though it is all positive news that we hear
         very much,” he said.              services, like the installation of home   from the stakeholders there is a lot to
           In Africa, shippers often face payment   goods items, customers want a quick   be done on the ground both on physical
         and fraud risks when operating in the   resolution. Logistics stakeholders need to   infrastructure as well as digital. However,
         African e-commerce market. Blas noted   digitise and automate their daily delivery   doing research and keeping customer
         that Jumia addresses this by providing   processes to deliver on these rapidly   experience at the centre is the key to
         a secure payment platform, JumiaPay,   evolving customer expectations.”  finding the right solutions.

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 5
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