Page 6 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 6


         instance, Chokshi said that with improved
         logistics infrastructure and increased
         connectivity, more African consumers are
         now able to access products and services
         from other African countries. “This
         expansion of cross-border trade is driving
         economic integration and fostering regional
         collaboration. It presents an exciting
         prospect for businesses to expand their   While e-commerce
         operations beyond their home countries
         and tap into the growing demand across the   in Africa has made
         continent,” he said.                      significant progress
           Meanwhile, Blas noted that Africa’s     in enhancing
         cross-border e-commerce is driven
         by improved logistics infrastructure      customer experience,
         and favourable trade policies. “African   there are still a few
         consumers are increasingly looking beyond   drawbacks that can
         their local markets to access a wider range
         of products and brands from international   impact the overall
         sellers. This presents opportunities for   customer journey.
         e-commerce platforms like Jumia to
         facilitate cross-border transactions and     LUCIA MUNOZ DE BLAS    their shipments across multiple LSPs
         support international trade,” she said.                     JUMIA   on a single dashboard in real-time.
           Does that mean the continent already                              They can provide distributors and
         possesses the infrastructure to support this   air mode of transport. “What we need is   customers with complete milestone-
         level of e-commerce growth? Certainly not.   more local carriers in Africa. Trillions of   based visibility of delivery status. Our
                                           dollars are needed to upgrade African road   smart logistics management technology
         LOGISTICS ENIGMA OF               infrastructure. Railways and seaports could   immediately triggers alerts in case of
         AFRICAN E-COMMERCE                be less expensive. However, the cheapest   cost diversions in invoices. Using Shipsy,
         In fact, Blas noted inadequate logistics   way to get over the infrastructure problems   businesses accurately predict failures and
         infrastructure, including warehouses,   in Africa is by air,” he said.    reorganize delivery workflows to mitigate
         distribution centres, and transportation   While talking about the challenges in the   transportation risks, especially in terms of
         networks as a challenge for shippers in   African e-commerce landscape, Chokshi   customer experience and costs.”
         the region.                       pointed out that using manual processes   Shipsy is also helping shippers
           “Thus,” she added, “Jumia invests heavily   to map consignments to suitable logistics   address cross-border logistics cost
         in building and maintaining a robust   service providers (LSP) is tedious and   concerns by providing greater visibility
         logistics infrastructure across Africa. The   inaccurate. And that's exactly what they are   into spot rates, automating freight
         company operates numerous warehouses   trying to solve on this continent.    procurement and negotiation processes
         and fulfilment centres strategically located   “Tracking shipments across logistics   and providing real-time visibility of
         to enable efficient order processing and   partners, lack of standardised customer   container and air cargo movement.
         timely delivery.”                 communication, inefficient benchmarking   Other challenges noted by Blas
           Alastair Tempest, CEO of Ecommerce   of 3PL performance, complexities in   include the hurdles in the last mile, the
         Forum Africa pointed out transport as one of   managing non-deliveries and return to   fragmented nature of the market as well
         the ingredients that was missing for African   origin (RTO) instances and invoicing errors   as fraud risks. Ensuring efficient and
         e-commerce business while speaking to   and delays are some other critical challenges   timely delivery to customers' doorsteps
         STAT Media Group during air cargo Africa   that shippers face daily,” he said.   is crucial for a satisfying e-commerce
         in Johannesburg in February 2023.    To boost serviceability, shippers need to   experience. Thus, Blas noted that
           “The distance between capital cities in   partner with multiple LSP. But every LSP   e-commerce players are investing in
         Europe is 1,200 kilometres while in Africa   has its unique strengths. Some guarantee   innovative delivery solutions, including
         it is 4,200. It's an enormous difference. We   rapid fulfilment, some have expertise in   partnerships with local logistics
         tend to forget that Africa is such a very   handling white glove operations, and some   providers, deployment of delivery drones,
         big continent. That makes logistics very   have specialised capabilities in moving   and adoption of smart lockers.
         difficult,” he said.              sensitive goods and cold storage.    She said, “Last-mile delivery, especially
           Tempest made an interesting       Chokshi added, “Shipsy empowers   in remote areas, can be challenging due
         observation that the cheapest way to   shippers to completely centralise and   to poor road conditions and inadequate
         overcome the infrastructure problem in   automate these processes. Using a   address systems. Jumia has developed
         the African continent is by embracing the   single dashboard, shippers can view all   innovative last-mile delivery solutions,

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