Page 16 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 16


            Philip Mutooni of Avocado Exporters Association of Kenya, Zachary D Kolp of Mount Longonot Vineyards, Erick Sirali of TradeMark Africa,
            Mokua Mogendi of CargoLedger and Rajarshi Chatterjee of Logistics Update Africa

           Clarah Rehema of Figorr, Francis Murumbi, Patricia Koech of Cold Solutions Kenya, Elmiqdad Hassan Nandwa of Fawakih Import and Export,
           Sharon Wanjiku Kabura of Avocado Aggregators Association of Kenya and Reji John of Logistics Update Africa

           Peter Musola of Kenya Airways, Edwin Kamunge of Kubali Solutions, Yannick Weyn of TradeMark Africa, Stephen Mutai of Saudia Cargo
           and Reji John of Logistics Update Africa

         and aircraft modernisation. "Air freight   The FLA 2024 conference catalysed   strategic partnerships, technological
         is important but will not replace sea   dialogue, collaboration, and action   advancements, and a commitment to
         freight. Air freight will complement sea   towards a more robust and sustainable   sustainable practices will be vital in
         freight," noted Mbogo, emphasising the   floriculture industry in Africa. With a   unlocking new avenues for growth and
         industry's agility and adaptability. During   strategic focus on digitalisation, data   resilience.
         the event, Sanjeev Gadhia, CEO at Astral   analytics, and sustainability initiatives,   In conclusion, the intersection
         Aviation, also talked about the airline's   Kenya's floriculture sector is poised for   of digitalisation and sustainability
         five-year sustainability plans that involve   transformative growth, ensuring it remains   marks a new chapter for Kenya's
         the modernisation of the fleet along   a global leader in flower exports while   floriculture industry, promising a
         with opening new route operations,   reducing its environmental footprint.  future where efficiency, profitability,
         like Sharjah to Eldoret, to improve the   As the industry navigates geopolitical   and environmental stewardship are
         connectivity of air cargo.        disruptions and logistical complexities,   integrated.

                                                                                                 MAY - JUNE 2024
       14                                                                                      MARCH - APRIL 2024
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