Page 4 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 4


                                   CX key to


                      ENIGMA IN AFRICA

               The e-commerce market in the African continent is growing,    delivery, e-commerce, and retail segments.
               no doubt. However, solving the logistics enigma, which is        Soham Chokshi, CEO & co-founder of
               unique to the region, will be key to its ability to make money   Shipsy, who is also bullish about mobile
                                                                             penetration in the continent, noted that
               sustainably. Investing in research, developing physical       the proliferation of mobile devices has led
               infrastructure, connecting the digital dots and above all     to a surge in mobile commerce, enabling
               keeping customer experience (CX) at the centre is the way     consumers to conveniently shop and make
                                                                             transactions using their phones.
               to solve it, Libin Chacko Kurian reports.                        “This trend is particularly exciting
                                                                             because it opens up opportunities for
                    he potential for growth   access in Africa. “This can hinder customers'   businesses to reach a wider customer
                    and innovation is      ability to browse and shop online, resulting   base and tap into previously underserved
                    immense, driven by     in a less seamless experience. To address   markets,” he said.
        “Tthe continent's rapidly          this, e-commerce companies can invest in   Going beyond the internet and
         evolving digital landscape, expanding   optimising their platforms for low bandwidth   smartphones, the African continent is also
         customer base, and increasing consumer   connections and explore offline shopping   witnessing the rise of social media and
         trust in online shopping.”        options where feasible,” she said.    social commerce. Social media platforms
           This is how Lucia Munoz De Blas   “At Jumia, we use JForce, our   are playing a significant role in shaping the
         describes the African e-commerce   Independent Sales Agents, to penetrate   African e-commerce landscape.
         landscape. She is the group chief logistics   underserved regions where traditional retail   Blas pointed out that African consumers
         officer of Jumia, one of the largest   is limited,” she added.      are leveraging social media channels for
         e-commerce marketplaces in Africa.   Increasing mobile cellular subscriptions   product discovery, recommendations,
           Definitely, the e-commerce market in   is another factor in Sub-Saharan Africa and   and even direct purchasing. “E-commerce
         the continent is growing. For instance,   it increased from 44 percent in 2010 to 79   platforms are integrating social commerce
         Statista reported that e-commerce revenue   percent in 2019 and 84 percent in 2021,   features, enabling customers to shop
         in Africa is expected to show an annual   according to the World Bank.   seamlessly within their preferred social
         growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 13   Thus, Blas reported that mobile   media environments,” she said.
         percent, resulting in a projected market   commerce, or m-commerce, is flourishing   Another trend that both Chokshi and
         revenue of $59 billion by 2027.   in Africa. “With a large portion of   Blas noticed is the growth of cross-border
           But one of the most important drivers   the population accessing the internet   e-commerce within Africa. For
         of this growth is internet and smartphone   primarily through mobile devices,
         penetration into the continent. According   there is a surge in mobile transactions
         to the World Bank, individuals using the   and purchases. This trend has spurred
         internet in Sub-Saharan Africa increased   the development of mobile payment
         from 6 percent of the population in 2010 to   solutions, making it easier for customers
         28 percent in 2019 and 36 percent in 2021.   to shop online using their smartphones.”
           Evidently, Africa has witnessed a   There are several companies, including
         significant rise in internet penetration   logistics service providers, entering this
         rates, opening up vast opportunities for   market after getting excited about the
         e-commerce. And according to Blas, “The   room for innovation and growth. For
         increasing accessibility of digital devices   example, in May 2023, the Indian SaaS-
         and internet connectivity has expanded   based logistics management platform
         the potential customer base, enabling more   provider Shipsy announced expansion
         Africans to engage in online shopping.”  across Africa. Since the last few quarters,
           However, despite the increasing internet   Shipsy grew its presence in African
         penetration, she pointed out that there are   markets by onboarding customers in
         still areas with limited or unreliable internet   the courier, express and parcel, last-mile

                                                                                               JULY - AUGUST 2023
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