Page 32 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 32


                Astral Aviation, Airlink sign MoU,

            begin disaster relief shipments

               stral Aviation has recently signed   50 tonnes of humanitarian aid over   Aviation’s network, already
            Aits first formal partnership   the next year," says a release from   leveraging this partnership in order
            agreement with disaster response   Airlink. Airlink will utilise the cargo   to support a shipment of medicines
            nonprofit Airlink. "In the agreement,   space to support the movement   and medical supplies to South Sudan,
            Astral Aviation promises to transport   of humanitarian aid across Astral   the release added.

            TIACA Regional Event Africa                                      QR Cargo adds flights to

         highlights African air cargo market                              Kano, Nigeria from Kigali hub

         potential, challenges

                                                                             atar Airways Cargo recently announced a
                                                                          Qnew destination via its recently launched
                                                                          Kigali Africa hub. "Effective June 16, we
                                                                          have launched two weekly flights to Kano,
                                                                          Nigeria as a part of our intra-Africa service
                                                                          from Kigali," said a LinkedIn post. Qatar
                                                                          Airways Cargo started operations from
                                                                          Doha to Kigali twice a week from March
           he International Air Cargo   bring the local air cargo community   with up to 100 tonnes of freight capacity on
         TAssociation (TIACA) recently   and international delegates together to   each aircraft. A service between Kigali and
         concluded its third regional event, the   discuss the intricacies of doing business   Lagos (four times per week) was the first
         TIACA Event Africa which was held on   to/from and within Africa. The event   route to be launched. Kano is now the latest
         June 19-21st with delegates declaring   was held in Nairobi and was hosted by   destination to be added to the Kigali Africa
         the event was successful in its aim to   Kenya Airports Authority.  hub, operated by an Airbus A310 aircraft.

       30 LUA                                                                                  JULY - AUGUST 2023
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