Page 12 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 12


            Mary Githinji of Lamiflora, Ruth Muiruri of Wilmar Flowers and Lina Jamwa of Kenya Flower Council

         Flower Council (KFC), Fresh Produce   Beyond the cost of freight and
         Consortium of Kenya (FPCK), African   the Red Sea issues, one of the most
         Airlines Association (AFRAA), Fresh   important topics of discussion
         Produce Exporters Association of Kenya   throughout the conference was the
         (FPEAK), Shippers Council of East Africa,   logistics infrastructure that supports the
         TradeMark Africa and Avacado Exporters   flower and perishable trade from Kenya.
         Association of Kenya.               For instance, Praveen Singh, technical
           Jamwa highlighted the Red Sea   commercial manager, Black Tulip
         crisis as a pressing logistical challenge,   Group, pointed out that the floriculture
         increasing transit times and freight costs.   industry is growing at a steady pace but
         The situation forced Kenyan exporters   the logistics infrastructure is not built
         to seek alternative routes like the Cape   to handle the volumes. He particularly
         of Good Hope, significantly impacting   noted how much this infrastructure has to
         logistical expenses and supply chain   increase its handling capacity during the
         dynamics. "Because of the Red Sea crisis,   peaks of Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.
         we are now using the Cape of Good   “The Kenyan floriculture industry is
         Hope, making our logistical expenses   growing at a very good pace with a 7 to
         high," noted Jamwa.               8 percent rate every year. It was above
           As the representative of the shippers,   10 percent after the Covid-19 pandemic,
         she also pointed out the cost of air   in 2021 and 2022. On the other side, the
         freight as one of the key things that   infrastructure at the farm level and the   imbalance between handling the logistics
         the shippers like to take to the service   airport does not match the pace,” he said.   at the airport to the final destination. So
         providers. “If there is a way that this   “During Valentine's Day or Women's   there is room for improvement in terms of
         can be brought down, then this will   Day, volumes go up three, four, five times.   infrastructure,” he added.
         actually make a very big difference in the   This year, it was five to six times because,   Many more stakeholders expressed
         industry. We understand that there are   in December, production was very down   this concern about African and Kenyan
         factors for this but good incentives from   due to bad weather. So a lot of production   logistics infrastructure to handle the
         the government could actually bring   came to Valentine’s Day and the volumes   present and future volumes of perishables
         down freight costs,” she added.     were very huge. And there was an   produced in the country.

                                                                                                 MAY - JUNE 2024
       10                                                                                      MARCH - APRIL 2024
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