Page 15 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 15

Roger Dainty of West European Container (WEC) Lines, Eric Dumas of Ostend–Bruges International Airport, Karen Rono of A.P. Moller - Maersk,
                               Christo van der Meer of Kuehne+Nagel East Africa and Reji John of Logistics Update Africa

    Libin Chacko Kurian of Logistics Update Africa, Frederic Brun of Liege Airport, Veronicah Mambo of East African Growers Fresh   Rainer Wittenfeld, Managing Director,
    Produce, Raghav Gandhi of Africa Logistics Properties and Patrice Ngenga of Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya  Perishable Center Frankfurt
         export sectors like flowers, mangos, and   digital solutions streamline operations and   Bwana of KAA echoed the importance
         avocados.                         improve efficiency.               of sustainability and community-building
           The conference also highlighted   Sam Quintelier, Senior Business &   within the industry. "Sustainability
         digitalisation as a game-changer in flower   Network Development Manager Cargo at   involves the three Ps—the people, the
         logistics. Jeroen van der Hulst, Owner and   Brussels Airport, emphasised the power   planet, and profit. We are looking to create
         Founder of FlowerWatch, underscored how   of data analytics in ensuring supply chain   communities where our stakeholders
         innovative technologies are transforming   visibility and risk mitigation. "Leveraging   compete within themselves on a positive
         the sector, providing transparency, reducing   data analytics can optimise cargo   note," emphasised Bwana.
         waste, and enhancing sustainability. Moses   operations, ensuring smooth global flower   Ken Mbogo, Regional Director of Africa
         Ndegwa, Supply Chain Coordinator at AAA   shipments," Quintelier remarked during   at Saudia Cargo, highlighted upcoming
         Growers, shared practical insights into how   the panel discussion.  trends such as sustainable aviation fuel

          MAY - JUNE 2024                                                                                  LUA 13
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