Page 14 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 14


           Nick Mwaura of International Procurement & Logistics (IPL), Raphael Kiptis, of Sian Flowers,
           Parit Shah of Silpack Industries and Reji John of Logistics Update Africa             Parit Shah, Owner, Silpack Industries
         Mombasa is going to be overwhelmed
         in the next few years. Because by 2030,
         we want to have 50 percent of the fresh
         produce grown in Kenya exported by sea.
         So if half of all the flowers and half of all
         the vegetables go down to Mombasa, it's
         going to be a challenge.
           Meanwhile, Kenya is also improving
         its airport infrastructure to handle the
         incoming cargo growth. Jacob Bwana, GM
         Marketing and Business Development,
         Kenya Airports Authority, gave an update
         about the infrastructural developments
         and strategies at Kenyan airports.
           “Decongesting JKIA is a priority. JKIA
         is poised to increase the cargo freight area
         so that we will be able to handle more
         widebody aircraft.”
           He informed that Moi International
         Airport at Mombasa is getting expanded to   Raghav Gandhi, CEO, Africa Logistics Properties
         embrace the sea-air strategy.  “So that we
         can increase not only our perishables but   Speaking about Kisumu International   Jamwa of KFC also spoke about how
         also the transit cargo and decongest the   Airport, Bwana said, “The Airport is   the Port of Mombasa is spearheading
         Port of Mombasa.”                 coming up so that we can capitalise on the   innovative measures. Their plan includes
           He also spoke about how the Lamu   multimodal distribution in the landlocked   shifting 50 percent of freight from
         Port can feed into the Isiolo International   hinterland of eastern central Africa.    air to sea by 2030, aiming to reduce
         Airport with the sea-air cargo and   “African Continental Free Trade Area   CO2 emissions and enhance efficiency
         compared it with how Ethiopia uses   (AfCFTA) is going to come and our   through automation and technology
         Djibouti. “Djibouti is a port country but   infra-Africa trade is going to improve our   integration. This move aligns with the
         Ethiopia is already using Djibouti for sea-  GDP further than even trading across   EU-funded Business Environment and
         air which is a longer distance than we have   the seas because of speed as the value   Export Enhancement Program (BEEP),
         between Lamu and Isiolo.          proposition,” he added.           focusing on sustainability across crucial

       12 LUA                                                                                    MAY - JUNE 2024
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