Page 9 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 9

Plan) and the African Development Bank's
                                                                             Infrastructure Investment Programme aim
                                                                             to address these issues through targeted
                                                                             investments, capacity building, and
                                                                             regulatory harmonisation.
                                                                                As the aviation industry continues
                                                                             to grow, addressing its environmental
                                                                             footprint through the adoption of
                                                  We need to enhance         sustainable practices and technologies has
                                                  our infrastructural        also become increasingly important.
                                                                                African airlines are engaging in a
                                                  capabilities in terms      range of attainable initiatives to mitigate
                                                  of multimodality, an       the environmental impact of aviation.
                                                  area where we as a         These efforts encompass the adoption of
                                                                             newer, fuel-efficient aircraft, recycling
                                                  continent are lagging      practices, utilisation of new technologies,
                                                  behind.                    development of systems, strategic route
                                                                             and schedule planning, and optimising
                                                             PETER MUSOLA    flight paths to minimise fuel consumption.
                                                          KENYA AIRWAYS CARGO
                                                                             Some recent examples include Ethiopian
                                                                             Airlines' order of Boeing 777-9 jets. The
                                             During the recent Flower Logistics   airlines are also expanding their capacity.
                                           Africa and Perishable Logistics Africa   Ethiopian Cargo has recently announced
                                           events organised by Logistics Update   the addition of two freighter destinations
                                           Africa in Nairobi, Caleb Kositany,   to its global network. The airline will
         Airlines Group and the entire African   Chairman of the Board of Kenya Airports   offer twice-weekly air cargo service to
         economy. We have implemented high-  Authority, emphasised the expansion   and from Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
         end technologies in the infrastructure   plans for various airports. These plans   These are Ethiopian Cargo’s fifth and
         that revolutionise the way goods   encompass major airports such as   sixth destinations in India, following New
         are transported and delivered in the   Jomo Kenyatta International Airport   Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Bangalore.
         e-commerce industry in Africa. Through   (JKIA), Kisumu International Airport,   Meanwhile, Kenya Airways Cargo has
         this facility, Ethiopian Airlines paves the   Eldoret International Airport, and Moi   put its second Boeing 737-800 freighter
         way for development of e-commerce   International Airport. Key among these   into service, aiming to capitalise on the
         services in Ethiopia and the African   developments are the construction of   increased capacity to meet the growing
         continent. Built on 15,000 square meters of   a new terminal building at JKIA, the   sea-air demand to West Africa.
         area, the facility boasts a capacity to handle   expansion of cargo facilities, and the   As Africa continues its journey toward
         150,000 tons annually,” says, Mesfin Tasew,   lengthening of Eldoret's runway.   economic growth and regional integration,
         CEO of Ethiopian Airlines Group.    IATA has introduced the "Focus Africa"   the aviation and air cargo industry will
           “Swissport will keep making     initiative with the objective of bolstering   play a pivotal role in unlocking the
         investments to improve our capacity to   the aviation sector's impact on the   continent's vast potential. By addressing
         handle cargo with temperature control.   economic and social advancement of the   infrastructural deficiencies, harmonising
         Swissport Kenya, one of our worldwide   African continent. This initiative strives   regulations, and fostering collaboration
         centers of excellence, has improved its   to unite resources from public and private   among stakeholders, African nations can
         perishable center by adding 750 square   stakeholders to achieve its goals.  leverage the power of air connectivity to
         meters of connected cold warehouses that   “Focus Africa" outlines six key areas   facilitate trade, attract investment, and
         provide direct access from the airside to   for advancement: safety, infrastructure,   promote sustainable development.
         the hub of perishables. There is enough   connectivity, finance & distribution,   The future of African aviation and air
         for up to 110 airplane pallets in the cold   sustainability, and skilled workforce   cargo is one of immense promise, where
         warehouse. Apart from the floral corridor,   development. The effective implementation   efficient logistics solutions, technological
         we've also constructed a vacuum chiller.   of SAATM will play a crucial role in   advancements, and sustainable practices
         This enhances our capacity to guarantee   driving progress across these fronts,   converge to drive economic prosperity
         the preservation of the cold chain and the   especially in addressing challenges to   and foster greater regional integration. As
         safeguarding of the produce's integrity.   improve connectivity within the continent.  the world looks to Africa as an emerging
         Additionally, we are modernising our   Ensuring the highest levels of safety   market, the skies above the continent will
         facilities in Dar es Salaam, where Swissport   and security is paramount for the aviation   be a vital gateway, connecting businesses,
         operates the world's largest facility for the   industry. Initiatives such as the ICAO's   people, and cultures, and propelling
         export of fresh meat production,” says,   Comprehensive Regional Implementation   Africa toward a brighter and more
         Ndegwa of Swissport Kenya.        Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI   prosperous future.

          MAY - JUNE 2024                                                                                  LUA 7
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