Page 8 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
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                                   Mar 2024  Feb 2024
              Industry                       13.8%                             Photo: Kenya Airways Cargo
        Source: IATA Sustainability and Economics, IATA Monthly Statistics   Latin America  7.8%  10.0%  19.9%

           Asia / Pacific


            Middle East

          North America
            Growth in international CTKs (YoY) by airline region of registration  20%  25%  30%
         Africa and Perishable Logistics Africa
         events organised by Logistics Update Africa
         in Nairobi. Moreover, airline charges on                              Photo: Swissport Kenya
         the continent are higher, further burdening
         carriers and impeding their growth.
           “Airlines’ cooperation, commercial
         agreements, and partnerships are essential                          hand-in-hand with the success of the
         to improve connectivity. African Airlines                           entire economic ecosystem,” says Racheal
         Association (AFRAA) route network and                               Ndegwa, CEO of Swissport Kenya.
         cargo coordination is aimed at creating a   Improving air              When it comes to infrastructure and to
         forum for airlines to cooperate. Another                            support the growth of the aviation and air
         success factor is airline consolidation. Over   cargo capacity      cargo sectors, African nations are investing
         the past 18 years, the African continent has   provides a growth    heavily in upgrading and expanding their
         had the lowest level of market consolidation   platform for the     airport infrastructure. Major airport
         compared to the other regions in the globe.                         projects are underway in countries like
         The engagement of states, airlines, and all   entire economy.       Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa,
         the relevant stakeholders is necessary to                           enhancing capacity, improving operational
         effectively achieve the required outcomes        RACHEAL NDEGWA     efficiency, and catering to the increasing
                                                             SWISSPORT KENYA
         on airline consolidation in Africa,” says                           demand for passenger and cargo services.
         Abderahmane Berthé, Secretary General,                                 Cargo Hubs and Logistics Parks play
         AFRAA.                            liberalising air services, and facilitating the   a crucial role in the African air cargo
           Berthé also highlighted significant   movement of goods across borders.  logistics sector, particularly in facilitating
         factors such as trade and tourism   “In recent years, the air cargo industry   the efficient movement of goods across the
         development. He pointed out that intra-  in Africa has become one of the fastest-  continent. These facilities serve as strategic
         Africa trade currently stands at less than   growing sectors; during the next five years,   locations for the sorting, consolidation,
         20 percent, in stark contrast to over 50   trade is expected to climb by 15-20%. The   and distribution of cargo, enhancing
         percent in other regions. Similarly, intra-  export of perishable goods, including as   connectivity and reducing transit times.
         Africa tourism remains relatively limited,   flowers from Kenya, fruits from South   Ethiopian Cargo has recently
         with the focus often being on tourism from   Africa, and Cairo, is what is fueling   inaugurated a new e-commerce logistics
         non-African regions. Berthé emphasised   the expansion and presents significant   facility, investing USD 55 million. This
         the importance of facilitating air travel   potential for economic development   dedicated warehouse, designed for
         through visa openness, noting that   throughout the continent. The goal across   e-commerce goods, mail, and courier
         currently, 50 percent of African citizens   the African continent is raising quality   services, represents a significant
         require a visa to travel within Africa.  standards so that African exports can   advancement for the African continent's
           Initiatives like the Single African Air   more easily compete with goods coming   industry. It positions Addis Ababa as the
         Transport Market (SAATM) and the   from South America and other regions of   primary cross-border e-commerce logistics
         African Continental Free Trade Area   the world. Improving air cargo capacity   hub for Africa and beyond.
         (AfCFTA) are aimed at addressing these   provides a growth platform for the entire   "The e-commerce logistics facility is
         challenges by promoting open skies policies,   economy – at Swissport, we see our success   a significant breakthrough for Ethiopian

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