Page 23 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 23

though there are still scant core facilities   airports in Nigeria are
         for passenger and cargo facilitation,   13
         aircraft handling, among others. In fact, no   designed as cargo airports
         Nigerian airport has an efficient transfer
         facility capable of positioning Nigeria as a   01 MMIA Lagos  06 Margarette Ekpo, Calabar 11 Ilorin Airport
         key hub in the region.
                                             02 NAIA Abuja      07 AIIA, Enugu               12 Yola Airport
         NEW AIRPORTS                        03 MAKIA, Kano     08 Makurdi Airport           13 Kebbi Airport
         Given long-running outcry over the poor   04 SMICA, Owerri 09 Minna Airport
         airports infrastructure in Nigeria, the
         Ministry of Aviation has taken new steps   05 PHIA, Omagwa 10 Jos Airport
         to introduce private sector investment in
         some major airports in Nigeria.
           Hadi Sirika, Nigeria’s Minister of
         Aviation, recently revealed that the
         Request for Proposals (RFP) phase of the
         Nigeria Airports Concession Programme
         (NACP), which ended September 2022 saw
         the emergence of Corporation America
         Airports Consortium as preferred bidder
         for the Nnamdi Azikiwe International
         Airport (NAIA), Abuja; while ENL    Source: Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria
         Consortium was selected as the reserve   It could equally be a sign that Nigerian   Currently, less than five percent of
         bidder for the airport.           airports – as represented by Port Harcourt   Nigeria’s 200 million population uses air
           According to Sirika, for Murtala   Airport -  are not perceived, marketed   transport, going by the annual domestic
         Muhammed International Airport    or positioned to attract investors. In this   traffic figure of about 11 million, many of
         (MMIA), Lagos, TAV/NAHCO/Project   current state-of-affairs, there may not be   whom are repeat passengers. While about
         Planet Limited (PPL) Consortium   prospect of dependable investors in about   70 percent of the population is below the
         emerged the preferred bidder; while   20 other airports in Nigeria.  poverty line, this indicates that Nigeria’s
         Sifax/Changi Consortium became the   There have also been misgivings   supposedly large population is but a
         reserve bidder for MMIA.          over the current airport concession   mere potential yet to be converted to any
           For Mallam Aminu Kano International   efforts, which some analysts interpret   aviation benefit for airport investors.
         Airport (MAKIA) in Kano, Corporation   as a political ego-trip. Others believe   Thus, in addition to embracing private
         America Airports Consortium emerged   the concession may go the way of   sector investment, Nigeria must exit from
         the preferred bidder; while no reserve   previous concessions skewed by   its current heavy import-dependence and
         bidder was selected for the airport so far.   unscrupulous government officials to   become a production-driven and export-
         The concession process is expected to be   favour concessionaires for personal gains,   based economy by providing essential energy
         concluded before 2022 ends.       and may risk revoking by subsequent   and infrastructure, and drastically reducing
                                           administrations if found unacceptable.  cost of doing business. Making Nigeria a
         NO BIDDER FOR PORT                                                  production-based commercial hub would
         HARCOURT AIRPORT                  HOW WILL NIGERIA’S                provide the critical mass of air cargo to feed
         Interestingly, however, one of Nigeria’s   AIRPORTS DEVELOP?        over 13 cargo airports in Nigeria.
         most active international and domestic   Private sector investors are the best   Overtime, this will also economically
         airports, Port Harcourt Airport, had no   choice to transform Nigerian airports   empower millions to use air transport
         bidder, even as the airport receives large   with facilities including airport rail and   as a means of movement for business
         international carriers like Air France.  aerotropolis, which the government has   or pleasure, thus releasing more active
           This could be indicating that investors   hinted at providing at the Lagos Airport.   air travellers into the market from the
         are interested in Nigerian airports already   The Abuja Airport already has a metro   current non-flying population of over
         positioned to make revenue - the Murtala   rail line connecting the city, and many   150million people.
         Muhammed Airport is located in West   other airports need multimodal transport   Most importantly, with transparency
         Africa’s biggest commercial city of Lagos;   facilities to move cargo and passengers   from government and the private sector,
         the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport   from remote locations.   Nigerian airports can be positioned to serve
         is the closest air gateway to Nigeria’s political   However, businesses essentially reflect   small and large economic communities, and
         capital, Abuja; while the Mallam Aminu   the economies they operate in; and Nigeria’s   equipped with facilities to handle economic
         Kano International Airport is located in   ailing economy continues to make a huge   activities such as tourism, agriculture,
         Kano, an ancient and modern commercial   impact on business in the country including   government and business travellers in the
         city and gateway to Northern Nigeria.   airports and aviation businesses.   regions they serve.

          NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022                                                                         LUA 21
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