Page 20 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 20


         How can we ensure that technology is
         used efficiently and effectively? In many
         circumstances, data remains the most
         challenging task. Modern data analytics can
         provide important insights, thus effective
         data collection and exchange are required.
         Similarly, AI can assist in forecasting future
         needs, which is especially important in the
         face of climate change.
           “Data is not being used effectively as
         there is a lack of innovation along the
         logistical supply chain. The use of technology
         for assessing stock levels and flows in the
         warehouse at the destination and at the
         origin will result in efficiency. The use of   Photo: IHC
         temperature control devices will be useful
         in vaccine movements. The humanitarian
         sector needs to cooperate with companies in                         BENEFITS OF DRONE-BASED
         the innovation sector,” Gadhia said.                                LOGISTICS
           Logistics is at a crossroads now, just as                         Drones can complement humanitarian
         it was 20 years ago. It must evolve into a                          aid responses by providing an additional,
         driver of critical organisational strategy                          complementary resource for humanitarian
         decisions such as investments in data                               aid organisations to adopt. They may be
         analytics, technology, sharing platforms,                           pre-positioned in disaster-prone areas,
         and collaborations.                                                 as they do not require considerable
           “There are a lot of technologies around                           infrastructure (like runways), and
         now. If we speak about data analysis, proper                        can work around regions with limited
         preparation of cargo details and statistical   When it comes        infrastructure.
         tools to draw lessons from past experience,   to humanitarian          “The versatility of drone platforms
         this would be down to technology          emergency response,       makes them ideal for a wide range of
         specialists to determine user-friendly and                          applications. The drone that is deployed
         efficient systems. However, when it comes   the most crucial        to deliver medical supplies can also be
         to humanitarian emergency response, the   tools are high-           deployed in a crisis response scenario for
         most crucial tools are high-speed internet                          last-mile delivery of emergency supplies,
         and comprehensive phone coverage to       speed internet and        or even temporary restoration of network
         ensure information can be communicated    comprehensive phone       connectivity.” said Julie Makena, drone
         swiftly and clearly,” said Kovalova.      coverage to ensure        engineer, Astral Aerial Solutions.
           IHC has provided the international                                   But are drones capable of solving
         community with a solution for better      information can be        the gaps in humanitarian logistics that
         preparedness and response called ‘The     communicated swiftly      now exist? Makena thinks that based on
         Humanitarian Logistics Databank’.                                   individual delivery requirements and
         It is a platform for sharing data on      and clearly.              availability, aeroplanes, drones, roads,
         humanitarian aid inventories and                   OLGA KOVALOVA    and rail each have their own unique
         movements in order to improve                     CHAPMAN FREEBORN  application.
         emergency preparedness and response.                                   “For example, drones are uniquely
           Saba said, “Instead of collecting   food, medicine, and shelter, making them   positioned to be a go-to logistics solution
         information from the various WMS   accessible to all cooperating parties. This   in Africa owing to regions with poorly
         (Warehouse management systems)    platform improves collaboration and helps   developed infrastructure such as road
         adopted by our humanitarian community,   avoid bottlenecks in ports and airports.”  and rail. Additionally, they will provide
         we decided to adopt an automated tracking   The Databank now covers the   last-mile delivery in locations that are
         of aid movements based on customs data   humanitarian hubs of Dubai, Panama, and   inaccessible. My personal view is that once
         from ports, airports, and other entry   Brindisi – Italy, and we intend to replicate   drones are proven to fill the existing gaps
         points. It provides the global humanitarian   it in other humanitarian hubs, hosting   in logistics, there will be more widespread
         community with information on the exact   stocks prepositioned for an international   adoption and more use cases that will
         positioning of critical relief items such as   response,” he said.  arise,” Makena added.

       18 LUA                                                                           NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022
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