Page 27 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 27

like Zimbabwe and Mozambique during   running all the way from Zambia crossing   He spoke of Benin’s intention to make
         the Southern Africa Railway Association   into Zimbabwe up to the port of Durban in   it an industrial hub and cited the variety of
         (SARA) Conference and Exhibition in   South Africa and that means we may have   products that the port may handle in the
         October 2022.                     to look into standardising the type of rail   near future.
           “We have greenfield projects connecting   that we are operating,” he added.   “Today there are a lot of basic and
         Nseluka all the way to Mpulungu which   The consensus among the African   low-value products being moved through
         gives us access to the Great Lakes region   political landscape for the logistics   the Port of Cotonou. On the import
         and Kafue in Zambia to Lion’s Den in   connectivity that Tayali mentioned is also   side, there are a lot of clinkers,  gypsum,
         Zimbabwe which gives us the shortest   visible in the development of new ports and   raw materials for the cement industry,
         route to the Port of Beira in Mozambique.   modernisation of the old ones.   construction materials, and food items like
         We also got Livingstone (on Zimbabwe   For example, since 2018, Benin's Port   rice and wheat. On the export side, cotton
         border) to Sesheke (on Nambia border) as   Cotonou is under the management of   (Benin is the largest exporter of cotton
         well as from Livingstone to Kazungula (on   the Port of Antwerp International as the   in Africa), wood, cashew nuts and shea
         Botswana border) connecting to Botswana,”   Government of Benin entered into a nine-  butter nuts. Moving forward there’s a whole
         he said in an interview given to Railways   year agreement after realising that it needed   governmental initiative to make Benin also
         Africa Magazine.                  a makeover to ensure more volumes and   an industrial hub by developing industrial
           He noted that there is a growing   become future-ready. In fact, the contract   zones whereby the raw materials that are
         consensus among African nations and   is now entering into an exciting period   currently being exported will be processed
         his country’s leadership to increase   of execution after three years of studies,   in Benin and the finished or semi-finished
         connectivity. “We have come to the   preparations and planning.     products will be exported to the rest of the
         realisation that we need to make strides to   “We are building a new terminal for bulk   world,” he added.
         open up and interconnect our continent   and break bulk operations, we are extending   Even as the trade world is witnessing
         in order for us to achieve the African free   our port basin to create additional container   optimism, attention and intention
         trade area which is very important for us to   capacity and we are creating a value-added   being put into the funding of ports and
         explore the market within ourselves before   logistics zone. By a couple of years we will   terminal infrastructure or in building rail
         we can look beyond,” he added.    be ready for the future of the next 20-30   connectivity into the landlocked countries
           During the event, he also batted for the   years,” said, Port Cotonou’s commercial   or inviting foreign expertise to plan, there
         uniformity of not only technology but also   director Kristof van den Branden, who was   still seems to be a long road of development
         in terms of the standard of trains running   recruited via Port of Antwerp for the job,   and deliverables waiting to happen for
         through these countries.          who was speaking at the Breakbulk Europe   African ports before they can become a
           “So that we are able to get a train   in May 2022 at Rotterdam.   force to reckon with in the continent.

          NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022                                                                         LUA 25
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