Page 19 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 19
humanitarian aid brought close to unpredictable due to economic instability
potentially affected areas, being better in a post-Covid world, exacerbated by the
prepared for the next large-scale current war in Ukraine amongst other
emergency, including pandemics; reducing factors,” said Olga Kovalova, Key Account
the transport inconvenience, using of the Manager – Cargo, Chapman Freeborn.
humanitarian hubs worldwide in a more “There has been some level of
efficient manner, and connecting them improvement in the last 10 years in the
for better coordination, cooperation, and There is no doubt that humanitarian logistics sector which has
co-sharing information,” said Giuseppe resulted in improved response time,
Saba, CEO, International Humanitarian the humanitarian crisis management and efficient
City (IHC). supply chain and communication. We believe that
Things have changed in the the sector will evolve over the
humanitarian logistics industry as a logistics have evolved next 5 years with an increase
result of the two years of Covid. It will a lot in the last in the use of technology
be fascinating to see how this industry decade, just like and digitalisation,” said
will do in the next five years based on the Sanjeev Gadhia, CEO,
lessons learned from the pandemic and any other industry. Astral Aviation.
geopolitical situations. However, lessons
“The sector has become much more
saturated with demand for emergency learned from the
response by air. Civil wars and natural Covid-19 pandemic
disasters such as droughts, earthquakes
and tsunamis, paired with global are imposing new
pandemics such as Ebola, Cholera and, changes from which
most recently, Covid-19, have brought we can’t escape.
humanitarian logistics to a whole new
realm. During the past two years, we faced INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN CITY
unprecedented levels of air movements
in humanitarian logistics. The
next 5 years are very
Photo: Chapman Freeborn