Page 16 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 16


          Key Opportunities

          Spreading of logistics    Sea freight also has its problems, but it is an interesting option to spread logistical
          risks                     risks.
                                    A few interviewees with experience in sea freight indicated that sea freight can
          Better product quality    theoretically be planned well and the result is a better quality than air freight because
                                    of less temperature fluctuations.
          Being ready for
          upcoming sustainability   Most expect that in the coming years there will be increasing pressure from national
                                    and European regulations that will require a more sustainable floriculture trade. Sea
          and carbon footprint      freight seems to offer an alternative to respond to this trend.
           Source: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
         30 per cent, some of the companies who                              according to the report, seems partly a
         supply retail chains believe that a shift                           chicken and egg situation. The industry
         towards sea freight of at least 50 per cent                         is hesitant because customers don't ask
         of the total volume will take place within                          for it. On the other hand, retail customers
         five years.                                                         and consumers don’t ask for it because the
           A small minority of the interviewees                              sector is not yet ready.
         indicated that they currently have no                                  One of the interesting lessons from this
         immediate plans to start with sea freight.                          survey is the observation that the recently
         Most of them say that they are following                            increased interest in sea freight has mainly
         developments with interest. Some expect                             arisen from the problems in air freight.
         more questions from customers in the                                With this in mind, it can be concluded that
         future, especially related to making                                one of the most effective ways to stimulate
         transport more sustainable.                                         the development of sea freight is by
           Products arriving irregularly and at                              discouraging air freight. As more and more
         unpredictable times also present a major                            governments are serious about reducing
         challenge for importers who need to                                 CO2 emissions and making trade policies
         schedule the unpacking of the flowers. It is                        more sustainable, we can expect this to
         necessary to build in a safety margin. Sea                          happen anyway.
         freight also entails a great need to be able                           The main role of governments on
         to store product. This means high costs                             Kenyan and European side is to ensure
         and in many cases importers do not yet                              that the business environment is optimally
         have the required cooling facilities.  in favour of sea freight. Most expect   equipped and facilitates the development
           In the past, the promised lower cost for   that in the coming years there will be   of sea freight and floriculture in a broader
         transport by sea was always mentioned   increasing pressure from national and   sense. III. Establishing best practices.
         as the main reason. However, that is no   European regulations that will require   There is a need for development and
         longer the case. The cost advantage is   a more sustainable floriculture trade.   integration of sea freight procedures
         less evident. There are more important   Many cite the European Green Deal as an   in common business processes. There
         reasons for the interest in sea freight, such   example of where regulation will go in the   is a role for government or sector
         as the logistical challenges in aviation and   coming years.        organization in formulating and sharing
         periodic lack of air freight capacity.  Will shippers explore a mix of air and   best practices. The level of knowledge
           Respondents also indicated that sea   ocean freight to ship their produce in the   about sea freight and readiness among
         freight can theoretically be planned well   mid to long term? Most traders indicated   growers and traders should improve.
         and the result is a better quality than   that they will always opt for a combination   Knowledge about the requirements and
         air freight because of less temperature   of sea freight and air freight. Depending   possibilities of sea freight should become
         fluctuations. If properly executed, sea   fully on only one of the two will fail. It is   more commonplace, particularly among
         freight provides fewer degree hours and   too risky and not profitable enough (in   those companies that have not yet gained
         fewer moments of stress to the product.   case of air freight only) and the logistics   practical experience.
         According to them, flowers that are   are not reliable enough (especially in   It is simply a must for Kenya in
         correctly transported by sea are ultimately   case of sea freight only). The continued   the long run to offer products with a
         of better quality and have a longer shelf life   problems due to delays will remain a major   favourable carbon footprint. Otherwise,
         throughout the entire chain.      issue for the time being in order to be able   Kenya will increasingly lose out in the
           Sustainability and carbon footprint   to switch completely to sea freight.  European market to regionally grown
         requirements are increasingly becoming   Although sea freight interest is picking   products or other suppliers that have a
         a key factor that makes shippers’ decision   up again, it is still not mainstream. This,   lower carbon footprint.

       14 LUA                                                                           NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022
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