Page 14 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 14






         African flower exporters are always looking for reliable and cost
         effective freight capacity to move their produce to markets in Europe
         and beyond. For long, they relied on air freight but it now looks like
         moving flowers by ocean in controlled atmosphere containers is very
         promising and they are doing it.

              he pandemic had a devastating   in Kenya and highly flexible to meet   opportunities regarding the further
              impact on Africa’s flower exporters,   demands. The sea freight industry of fresh   development of sea transportation as a
              particularly on those from Kenya,   produce, however, is less developed and   viable alternative for air freight.
         Tas they faced severe shortfall   could become many times larger.      Talks with sector actors have
         in air freight capacity. The impact was   In June this year, a report published   indicated that a crucial factor for the
         so severe that small-scale flower farms   by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the   success of sea freight is the acceptance of
         were throwing away a fifth of their daily   Netherlands in Nairobi explored the   sea freight as an alternative by European
         produce meant for export even in the early   potential of sea freight for exporting   market parties. Therefore, a survey
         part of this year. However, the big players   flowers from Kenya. The report titled,   among key market players was carried
         managed to lock-in capacity through   Insights by Key Market Players on the   out to get a better understanding of
         advance bookings on airlines. This was   Development of Sea Freight of Flowers   their view on the potential bottlenecks
         largely because the air freight capacity out   from Kenya, was based on extensive   and opportunities regarding the further
         of Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International   study conducted by ProVerde, a   development of sea transportation as a
         Airport was yet recover fully from the   market research firm. Funded by The   viable alternative for air freight.
         interruptions caused by Covid-19 in 2020.  Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the   From the insights gathered through
           The cost of transport is a main concern   report was compiled based on a survey   conversations with importers, traders
         for a large majority of Kenyan exporters   among key market players carried out   and retailers, it looks like that there is
         of horticulture products, such as flowers.   to get a better understanding of their   a tremendous interest in sea freight.
         The air freight industry is well-developed   view on the potential bottlenecks and   One of the reasons for such heightened

       12 LUA                                                                           NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022
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