Page 17 - LUA November December 2024 Issue for website
P. 17

Shipment to Gaza
                            on behalf of United
                            Palestinian Appeal,                              prevent first-mile origin of unwanted
                            arranged by Airlink
                                                                             waste and last-mile delivery of needed
                                                                             aid for more sustainable aid responses
                                                                             as communities in crises welcome such
                                                                             positive intervention.

                                                                             "So much of sustainability in aid transport
                                                  By expanding               needs to be donor- and private-sector led:
                                                  WeQare’s reach             • Airlines that can use sustainable
                                                                             aviation fuel (SAF) on flights carrying aid;
                                                  to include more            • Trucking companies that are
                                                  NGOs and by                electrifying their fleets;
                                                                             • Donors that can offset the reverse
                                                  transporting essential     logistics cost to make sure that aid
                                                  humanitarian aid,          packaging and pallets are sustainably
                                                  Qatar Airways Cargo        disposed of; and
                                                                             • Being supported by a logistics-
                                                  aims to replicate its      centred NGO like Airlink helps NGOs
                                                  success in both the        preserve limited resources to their
                                                  environmental and          areas of expertise, optimising
                                                                             everyone’s resources.
                                                  humanitarian sectors.         Yes, sustainability is increasingly
                                                             MARK DRUSCH     a consideration in the logistics and
                                                               QATAR AIRWAYS  transportation of aid, adds Rouillon of
                                                                             Quick. "Humanitarian organisations
         cost of travel is prohibitive. In  rural areas,   "In complex emergencies driven   and logistics companies are recognising
         up to 83 percent of deliveries take place at   by conflict - impact of the presence of   the importance of  minimising their
         home, and, as a result, Kenya's maternal    armed actors on access to in-country   environmental footprint, even while
         mortality rate of 362 deaths per 100,000   transportation limits available routes/  responding to urgent crises. By
         live births remains among the highest    access. Other challenges include  impact   optimising routes and ensuring vehicles
         in the world.”                    of closed commercial airspace on   are loaded efficiently, we can minimise
           From Quick’s perspective, adds   accessible airlift into the country, and less   fuel  consumption. This may include
         Rouillon, there has been demand for   attention from the general public."  consolidating loads to reduce the
         medical aid and supplies, including                                 number of trips required."
         medical devices, surgical kits, vitamins,   SUSTAINABILITY AND AID     As part of corporate social
         personal protective equipment (PPE) and   Airlink helps carriers optimise the use   responsibility (CSR) efforts, Qatar
         mobile clinic setups. "The requests for   of their networks – both seat and cargo   Airways is implementing sustainable
         support we are seeing are all in Africa."  capacity, and this also helps the humanitarian   practices in operations to enhance
                                           sector limit unnecessary emissions from   global humanitarian contributions. "This
         MORE CHALLENGING                  duplicative flights, says Steege.  ensures that our aid delivery is not only
         ASSIGNMENT - DISASTERS/             "Airlink ensures only the right aid   impactful but also environmentally
         CONFLICTS?                        is being sent to the right place at the   responsible. Our commitment to
         Steege says: "Each presents its own   right time. Studies suggest 60 percent   sustainability includes reducing our
         challenges but there’s overlap including   of the aid sent in emergencies is not   carbon footprint, optimising fuel
         displaced populations in both and   appropriate at the time it arrives in   efficiency and utilising eco-friendly
         potential impact on transportation   the country, leading to waste or even   packaging materials," says Drusch.
         infrastructure. Generally, natural   necessitating its return, which further   "Furthermore, we are investing in
         disasters create geophysical challenges   complicates supply chain issues. That's   advanced logistics technology to improve
         while conflicts present geopolitical   why supporting locally-led responses   the efficiency and reliability of our aid
         challenges and risks.             is essential. Airlink partners with   distribution. By leveraging data analytics
           "For natural disasters, damaged   vetted and qualified humanitarian   and real-time tracking systems, we can
         transportation infrastructure can constrain   organisations to ensure that airlift is   ensure that humanitarian supplies reach
         available movement options (airport   coordinated only when local sourcing   their destinations promptly and securely.
         tarmac, roads, bridges) - this not only   isn't viable and only when it directly   Our dedicated teams are continuously
         limits access to impacted communities,   addresses identified needs on the   trained to handle emergency situations,
         but also creates bottlenecks in the supply   ground. This approach minimises waste   ensuring that we are always prepared to
         chain. Natural disasters often receive more   and maximises the effectiveness of   respond swiftly to crises around
         “attention” from the general public, etc.   our humanitarian efforts.  In short, we   the world."

          NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024                                                                         LUA 15
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