Page 14 - LUA November December 2024 Issue for website
P. 14


                                                                                "JDM Operations Management had
                                                                             donated colposcopes to support Saving
                                                                             Mothers' mission of improving maternal
                                                                             health in under-resourced regions," says
                                                                             Stacy Rouillon, Executive Vice President,
                                                                             Quick. "Colposcopes are  essential tools
                                                                             in obstetrics and gynaecology procedures
                                                                             that enable doctors to closely  examine
                                                                             the cervix for signs of disease, including
                                                                             precancerous lesions. Early detection is
                                                                             crucial in the fight against cervical cancer,
                                                                             a leading cause of death among women in
                                                                             many  developing countries. In addition
                                                                             to the colposcopes, the shipment included
                                                                             other vital  instruments and machines,
                                                                             further enhancing the capabilities of
                                                                             medical professionals  working in the field.
           Colposcopes transported to Ghana by Quick, United Cargo and JDM Operations Management will allow doctors   "Quick was responsible for the logistics,
           affiliated with Saving Mothers to perform thorough examinations and provide timely treatment to patients in need.  ensuring this precious cargo arrived
         Nations High Commissioner for Refugees                              safely and on  time. The colposcopes
         (UNHCR), the UN refugee agency, for two                             transported to Ghana will allow doctors
         years to provide humanitarian relief and                            affiliated with Saving Mothers  to perform
         assistance to those globally displaced. Qatar                       more thorough examinations and provide
         Airways will provide another 400 tonnes                             timely treatment to patients in need. We
         of free tonnage to UNHCR to help support                            are proud to have partnered with JDM
         them in the delivery of crucial aid supplies                        Operations Management and United
         to those most in need.                                              Cargo to ensure  these colposcopes
           "Over the past four years, our partnership                        reached the doctors and patients in Ghana,
         with UNHCR has provided us with                                     potentially saving many lives."
         several crucial insights into delivering aid   We are also working
         effectively," says Mark Drusch, Chief Officer   on a new project    EASY, DIFFICULT TO
         Cargo, Qatar Airways. "Offering up to 400   with Saving Mothers     ARRANGE/TRANSPORT AID?
         tonnes of free cargo capacity has been vital                        Supply chains have bounced back since the
         for swiftly transporting life-saving supplies   to deliver birth    pandemic, but transport is as challenging
         such as medical equipment, food and shelter   kits and labour       as ever (with whole regions and route
         materials. Engaging with local communities   essentials to Kenya.   networks impacted by conflict), and more
         has been essential in understanding their                           humanitarian contexts are increasingly
         specific needs, allowing us to tailor our aid     STACY ROUILLON    dangerous, according to Steege of Airlink.
         efforts to be both relevant and impactful.                  QUICK   "A majority of conflict-related contexts in
         This collaboration has underscored the                              the world are worsening, and 2023 and 2024
         importance of rapid, reliable logistics in   supplies to an estimated 5.8 million people   have been the deadliest years on record for
         ensuring aid reaches vulnerable populations   worldwide over the past few years. We   humanitarians. At the same time, the global
         promptly, especially during crises.  are proud to assist our trusted partners,   funding gap is at an all-time high. In-kind
           "This initiative is part of our broader   UNHCR and Airlink, in transporting   airlift is also difficult as many airlines are
         WeQare programme, which focuses on   humanitarian cargo, thereby positively   not fully financially recovered from the
         creating a positive impact across four core   impacting millions of lives globally.   pandemic and some have gone bankrupt,
         pillars: environment, society, economy and   Airfreight plays a critical role in crisis   affecting regional responses.
         culture. WeQare goes beyond traditional   response and supports the efforts of   "In addition to matching responders and
         cargo operations to actively contribute to   governments and NGOs worldwide. With   shipments with available air capacity, Airlink
         humanitarian and environmental causes.   our extensive network, charter capabilities,   is increasingly matching NGOs who have
         By expanding WeQare’s reach to include   modern fleet, and dedicated teams, we can   supplies to donate with those that need them.
         more NGOs and by transporting essential   swiftly respond to disaster-stricken areas."  The cost of procuring supplies as well as the
         humanitarian aid, Qatar Airways Cargo   Together with United Cargo and   transport and distribution of those supplies is
         aims to replicate its success in both the   JDM Operations Management, Quick,  a   simply too high for many agencies."
         environmental and humanitarian sectors.  Kuehne+Nagel company and global experts   Drusch highlights Hamad International
           "In addition to our work with UNHCR,   in time-critical logistics, recently completed   Airport’s strategic hub-and-spoke
         we have supported Airlink in distributing   a  critical humanitarian mission that has the   network that has been pivotal in enabling
         nearly 500 tonnes of humanitarian   potential to save countless lives in Ghana.   Qatar Airways Cargo to efficiently

       12 LUA                                                                           NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024
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