Page 16 - LUA November December 2024 Issue for website
P. 16


         transport aid to needy areas. "Centrally
         positioned between the East and West,
         with omnidirectional access to Africa,
         the airport serves as a crucial hub that
         streamlines operations and facilitates
         seamless coordination of cargo shipments.
         This setup ensures faster and more reliable
         distribution of essential supplies.
           "The hub-and-spoke model allows us to
         connect multiple global destinations with
         ease, enabling aid to be quickly routed
         to crisis regions across Africa, Asia and
         the Middle East. The airport’s advanced
         infrastructure, including state-of-the-art
         cargo handling facilities, further enhances
         our ability to manage large volumes of
         humanitarian aid, ensuring timely delivery
         to the most vulnerable communities.
           "Additionally, the network’s
         efficiency is bolstered by our extensive
         fleet and dedicated teams, who work
         around the clock to ensure that aid
         reaches its destination swiftly. This
         logistical advantage not only supports
         our humanitarian missions but also
         strengthens our overall operational   To ensure effective international support   Qatar Airways Cargo has transported
         capabilities, allowing us to respond   reaches people in need, it is important to    aid from major hubs like Qatar, the
         promptly to emergencies and provide   have centralised communication hubs.   USA, Canada and the UAE to numerous
         critical support where it is needed most."  The primary global control tower is in   destinations including Jordan, Kenya,
           Transporting aid requires special   Copenhagen, Denmark."         Egypt, Nepal, Bangladesh and Rwanda,
         knowledge on how to ship cargo and                                  based on the specific needs of each region.
         how to do door-to-door services, adds   WHAT AID MOVES MORE         The healthcare sector, especially the
         Rouillon of Quick. "Our dedicated and   NOW..AND WHERE              delivery of medical supplies and shelter
         passionate relief logistics specialists have   Areas with complex and protracted   materials, has seen the transport of
         expertise in handling both long-term   humanitarian crises, especially Sudan,   maximum aid, addressing urgent needs in
         humanitarian projects and unforeseen   Gaza & Lebanon, says Steege of Airlink.   regions affected by crises."
         crises. They arrange reliable transport that   "64 percent of aid materials sent by   Quick has handled shipping for the
         best suits the need, including sea, air or   Airlink this year were health-specific   International Breast Milk Project - a
         road. This is facilitated through our  close   (pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and   non-profit  organisation that solicits
         partnership with carriers. Our strong   medical equipment), and 92 percent of   donations of human milk and provides
         understanding of local requirements,   aid materials sent by Airlink supported   the milk to infants in need, says Rouillon.
         culture and authorities, including customs   health outcomes/interventions - the   "The organisation provides donor milk
         processes and trade regulations, help us   aforementioned health aid as well as   to malnourished, orphaned or diseased
         navigate aid transport.           fortified food to support populations   infants in  South Africa. The project
           "With our long experience in    facing famine/severe food insecurity   included consolidating the donated
         emergency logistics, we’ve been helping   and water/hygiene supplies that help   milk and transporting it  temperature
         various international humanitarian   vulnerable populations avert serious   controlled to Africa.
         agencies and NGOs expand the      disease outbreaks like cholera. Together,   "We are also working on a new project
         scope of  how and who they can help.   clean water, medical supplies and high-  with Saving Mothers to deliver birth kits
         Kuehne+Nagel has established Emergency   nutrition food make up the backbone of a   and labour  essentials to Kenya. Kenya
         and Relief Logistics control towers acting   health-centred response."  is considered one of the highest-risk
         as centralised hubs that direct goods and   Qatar Cargo has delivered key   countries in the world to be  pregnant
         information to areas in need and leverage   items such as medical supplies, shelter   with some hospitals lacking even the
         the global  Kuehne+Nagel network on   materials, educational materials and   basics to deliver a child. Expectant
         behalf of emergency and relief partners.   other humanitarian aid. Drusch says:   mothers  are often turned away and told
         The need for relief  logistics operations   "These items have played a critical role in   to buy the required supplies of rubber
         can emerge at any time and in any region   supporting various sectors, particularly   gloves/aprons which most are unable to
         of the world—remote or highly populated.   healthcare, disaster relief and education.   do. The distance to a hospital is far and the

       14 LUA                                                                           NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024
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