Page 13 - LUA November December 2024 Issue for website
P. 13

food and shelter — pushing already                                  Stephanie Steege, Director, Humanitarian
         marginalised communities deeper into                                Programmes, Airlink. "In complex
         crisis, " says Unicef.                                              humanitarian emergencies such as those
           The 2024 Global Humanitarian                                      to which Airlink is responding in Sudan,
         Overview (GHO) requires $49 billion to                              Lebanon and Gaza, closed or constrained
         assist 187.6 million of the people in need                          commercial airspace becomes a challenge.
         across 73 countries through 43 coordinated                          With limited in-kind airlift resources
         response plans.                          In Sub-Saharan Africa,     available, Airlink turns to creative solutions
           More than $1.7 billion was reported                               where we can utilise available in-kind
         during the month of September, bringing   Airlink’s regional        support from our airline partner network to
         GHO funding to $16.21 billion, eight     response capabilities      leverage their support.
         percent less than the same time last year,   are driven by our         "This might include free of charge cargo
         according to the update from the United                             movement into Cairo where Airlink secures
         Nations Office for the Coordination of   dedicated airline          a commercial rate from Cairo to Port
         Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).             partner network            Sudan. While still securing significant cost
           "While it is early to predict end-                                savings for NGO partners, this is dependent
         year funding and coverage of GHO         including Astral           on available funding as well.
         requirements, analysis of trends and     Aviation, Royal Air           "In Sub-Saharan Africa, Airlink’s
         donor intentions indicate it is unlikely that   Maroc, Turkish Airlines   regional response capabilities are
         the 2024 funding will reach the amount   and Qatar Airways.         driven by our dedicated airline partner
         recorded for 2023 ($25.11 billion) and that                         network including Astral Aviation,
         coverage will remain below the previous         STEPHANIE STEEGE    Royal Air Maroc, Turkish Airlines and
         five-year average of 55 per cent."                         AIRLINK  Qatar Airways. We are grateful for their
           Seen in this context, the role of logistics                       continued commitment to supporting
         players - airlines, forwarders and donors -   underfunded emergencies, which often   communities in crisis in 2024."
         keep increasing with every passing year.  overlaps with more complex          Qatar Airways also renewed
           "Key challenge is funding for aid      environments and fewer                     its partnership with
         transportation to overlooked and         commercial carriers," says                     the United

          NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024                                                                         LUA 11
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