Page 9 - STAT November 2022 for Magzter
P. 9

between The Institute of Export &     especially from Ghana and Kenya to Europe due
                                   International Trade and TradeMark East   to high inflation and energy prices in Europe.
                                   Africa (TMEA) to implement a ‘digital trade   Perishables are not high yielding cargo
                                   corridor’ between the UK and Kenya to help   and therefore traditional perishable airfreight
                                   simplify trade. This has created the ‘UK-  markets like Nairobi have faced stiff competition
                                   Kenya Trade Logistics Information Pipeline’   from other more profitable routes in its
                                   (TLIP) initiative which aims to eliminate   customers’ networks, which has led to either
                                     documentation and introduce better   cancellations and or reduction in frequencies.
                                      visibility in the supply chains between   Flowers and perishables are also exported to
                                       the UK and Kenya and uses blockchain   Europe from South Africa and Tanzania but as
                                      technology to link all those in a supply   flowers are a seasonal commodity mostly being
                                    chain together.                      shipped between the months of Oct–April
                                      As per the information given to the   months, no instability has been witnessed here
                                   publication by Swissport, a leading aviation   owing to the situation in Europe. The volumes
                                   services company providing cargo handling   of meat have also not being impacted from
                                   services, higher freight prices have affected   Swissport Tanzania as the most active trade
         and perishables businesses   volumes of cargo and available capacity   lanes are Middle East.
         saw dipping sales, dumping of
         crops, broken supply chains,
         owing to border closures,
         grounding of flights and
         flight cancellations, delays in                         CONNECTING AFRICA WITH THE WORLD
         transportation times, a decline
         in prices of cut flowers and port
         lockdowns apart from several
         logistical issues. The industry
         was limping back to normalcy
         when the macroeconomic
         challenges in Europe and Covid
         lockdowns in China dealt a
         fresh blow to exports.
           However different countries
         are reviving at different rates.
         With the Russia-Ukraine war
         going on, importers are busy
         trucking the rose shipments
         that arrive by air from Kenya to
         Turkey, to Russia.
           As per IATA, African airlines
         saw cargo volumes increase by
         1.0% in August 2022 compared
         to August 2021. This was a
         significant improvement on
         growth recorded the previous
         month (-3.5%), while capacity
         was 1.4% below the August
         2021 levels.
           A significant development
         this year is that the Government
         of the Netherlands and Kenya
         Flower Council (KFC) signed
         a Framework of Cooperation
         on the adoption of sea freight
         for perishables in Kenya and
         to strengthen the efforts in that
         direction for perishables in Kenya.
           Another promising
         development is the partnership

          NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022                                                                         LUA 7
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