Page 17 - LUA March-April 2025
P. 17

“Kenya Association of Air Operators                               towards more automated customs
         (KAAO) members are investing in                                     procedures would make trade flow much
         improved logistics solutions, including                             faster. For AfCFTA to reach its full
         enhanced cold chain facilities and                                  potential, consistency in implementation
         cargo handling infrastructure,” says Liz                            across all member states will be key,” says
         Aluvanze, CEO, KAAO.                                                Goedhart of Rhenus Logistic.
           The KAAO is a registered national                                    Highlighting the challenges posed
         umbrella body tasked with promoting,                                by the AfCFTA to KAAO members,
         supporting, enhancing, and protecting                               Aluvanze of KAAO says, “AfCFTA holds
         the interests of aviation industry                                  significant promise for African aviation,
         stakeholders and allied businesses in    Trade across Africa        but several structural barriers continue
         Kenya, Africa.                           isn’t one-size-fits-       to hinder progress. One major challenge
                                                  all, and that’s where      is the slow implementation of the Single
         AFCFTA: CONFRONTING                                                 African Air Transport Market (SAATM),
         LOGISTICS CHALLENGES                     having deep local          which was introduced in 2018 to create
         The AfCFTA promises to revolutionise     expertise makes a          a unified African air transport market.
         intra-African trade, but its success     difference. We work        However, only 35 out of 54 countries
         largely depends on addressing the                                   have signed up, and enforcement
         continent's complex logistics landscape.  closely with our          remains weak due to protectionist
           “The vision behind AfCFTA is           teams on the ground        policies and national interests overriding
         exciting, but there are still hurdles to   and local authorities    regional cooperation. Without full
         overcome. Different countries have                                  SAATM implementation, KAAO
         varying customs, rules, and trade        to stay up to date         members face restricted access to key
         policies, which can slow things down.    with changing              African markets.
         Infrastructure gaps in some regions also   regulations.                Another barrier is the reliance
         pose challenges for smooth logistics                                on restrictive Bilateral Air Service
         operations. Another big factor is                  DIRK GOEDHART    Agreements (BASAs) that limit
         digitalisation: many processes still rely           RHENUS LOGISTICS  competition and route expansion. Some
         on manual paperwork, and moving                                     African countries impose high landing

            The latest Rhenus warehouse in
           Meadowview, Johannesburg

          MARCH - APRIL 2025                                                                               LUA 15
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