Page 21 - LUA March-April 2025
P. 21

If the Suez

         to prepare for that, and one element        Canal opens up,         up a sort of a trusted relationship first.
         really is creating strong and resilient                             But oftentimes, there are no suppliers
         partnerships, networks.             there will be significant       available that fit your requirements, your
           Container logistics is inherently a   overcapacity and            needs in a different country. Because
         global business, and what we've seen                                they don't have the manufacturing set
         is that it can be relatively easy to find   enhanced price war,     up there, they don't have their supplier
         somebody who can help you with a    sort of, that follows. If       network there, et cetera, et cetera. So, in
         specific inquiry - be it finding a depot,                           order to build that up, a lot of basework
         finding an agent or finding a trucker.   that happens, I think      is needed in the countries that are on the
         But it's very difficult to find somebody   breaking even for        receiving end of the China plus X shift.
         that you actually trust. There's no                                    This takes a couple of years to be fully
         structured information out there around   the industry will be a    implemented, and we've seen the start.
         trustworthiness.                    significant challenge,          Yes. Okay, let's say five years ago, maybe
           Regulatory risks and shifting                                     at the beginning of Covid. That's when
         alliances, that's a key topic for us.   and we'll see losses        the world woke up a little bit, said, okay,
         Another big issue is geopolitical   across the board.               we're very dependent on China. We have
         uncertainties. We've seen since Covid                               to diversify our supply chain a little bit,
         that there is significant disruption                                we have to move towards a China plus
         in container logistics, particularly   makes the whole trade unprofitable. But   one or China plus X strategy.
         whenever there is a maritime choke   as long as it's sort of manageable, trade   But I don't think that this movement
         point that is somehow impacted by   will persist.                   is already final and finished. So we
         geopolitical events. We've seen this with   For me, I don't expect volumes to   will continue to see a diversification
         Russia and Ukraine. We've seen this   be significantly impacted by tariffs.   of trade lines. And with that sort
         with the Red Sea effectively being closed   What we do expect, though, is that   of diversification again of partner
         to container liner shipping due to the   trade patterns and trade routes will   networks, supplier networks have to
         attacks by the Houthis.           shift. We've seen this already in the   build trustworthy relationships again
           And these kinds of disruptions, we   past couple of years where we saw a   with multiple partners.
         believe, will continue to persist. We have   diversification of suppliers away from
         Trump (U.S. President Donald Trump)   China into the remainder of southeast   ?  Container shipping lines reported
         now in office who has a lot more erratic   and northeast Asia.          bumper profits in 2024. So, what
         and unpredictable style of governing.   We've also then seen, on the import   are your expectations for 2025? What
         You have rising geopolitical tensions   side in the U.S., for example, cargo   are you hearing in the market about
         with China and even within the North   being moved away a little bit from   the operations?
         American continent. Just look at Canada   North American ports into, for example,   I think it all depends on the Suez Canal.
         and Mexico. So these kinds of topics will   Mexican ports for final assembly. And   It all depends on sort of what happens in
         significantly impact container shipping.  then transport across the Mexico-U.S.   Israel and Gaza. It all depends on what
                                           borders. So, these kinds of shifts in trade   the Houthis are making of this.
         ?   You brought up Trump and his    patterns happen because of tariffs, but   a correction this year in 2025 but how
                                                                                So, we do believe that there will be
             style of working. So, how do you
                                           overall, the volume of trade will not be
         think tariffs and retaliatory tariffs will   significantly impacted.  big of a correction this will be remains
         impact trade?                                                       to be seen. Again, referring to the
         To be honest, I don't think that it will   ?  China plus X is the new strategy   Maersk earnings call two weeks ago, it's
         necessarily impact volumes. Yes, it will   rather than plus one. So, how do   a very broad range. It can be anything
         slightly impact demand in the U.S., for   you think demand and supply is going   between zero and $3billion... significant
         example if consumer prices go up. It   to catch up?                 profitability or barely breaking even.
         might change some trade imbalances   Roeloffs: I think what many people sort   And if the Suez Canal opens up, there
         slightly, but overall trade, and especially   of get wrong a little bit is that they think   will be significant overcapacity and
         global trade, is very resilient against   that China plus one or China plus X is   enhanced price war, sort of, that follows.
         tariffs. As long as they're not punitive.   something that somebody decides, and   If that happens, I think breaking even
         If you put a 500 percent tariff on   then it happens and it's a reality. And   for the industry will be a significant
         something, yes, of course then that   that's the new normal. But in reality, these   challenge, and we'll see losses across
                                           shifts happen very gradually and slowly.   the board.
                                             It's almost like tectonic plates sort   I don't have my crystal ball here with
                                           of shifting. Right? Because it might be   me, unfortunately, but definitely it's
                                           easy to say, okay, I'm not going to buy   going to be a correction that is coming
                                           from this supplier, I'm going to buy   this year. Just how much of a correction
                                             from that supplier. You have to build   remains to be seen.

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