Page 22 - LUA March-April 2025
P. 22


         Multimodal transport in Africa

        RAIL, AIR, AND SEA

         Africa is a vast and diverse continent, home to 54 countries, over   and expanded terminals to meet growing
         3,000 languages, and a burgeoning economy. As the continent         demand. However, high operational costs,
                                                                             limited intra-African connectivity, and
         continues to grow and develop, its transportation networks are      fragmented regulations continue to hinder
         playing an increasingly vital role in facilitating trade, economic   the sector’s growth.
         growth, and connectivity. Multimodal transport, which integrates    MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT
         road, rail, air, and sea transport, is at the forefront of this     AND TRADE CORRIDORS
         transformation, reports Nikitha Sebastian.                          Efforts to integrate Africa’s transport
                                                                             networks focus on key trade corridors.
                frica's multimodal transport   congestion and lowering logistics costs.   The Northern Corridor, linking Mombasa
                network is witnessing a significant   Projects like Kenya’s Mombasa-Nairobi   to Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic
                transformation, with a surge in   Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) and   Republic of Congo, has improved freight
         Ainnovative solutions, driven by   Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway   movement with the SGR. The Walvis Bay
         investments in infrastructure, technology,   have improved freight movement, cutting   Corridor, connecting Namibia to Zambia
         and regional integration initiatives, aligning   transit times and strengthening port-  and Botswana, enhances Southern Africa’s
         with a global trend.              to-hinterland connectivity. However,   trade efficiency. In West Africa, the
                                           inconsistent rail gauge standards and   Abidjan-Lagos Corridor serves as a major
         INTEGRATING ROAD, RAIL,           inadequate maintenance, as seen in Nigeria,   trade artery, linking five West African
         AIR, AND SEA TRANSPORT            pose significant challenges.      countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo,
         Road transport is the backbone of logistics   “When we talk about the rail   Benin, and Nigeria.
         in Africa, handling over 80% of cargo   infrastructure in Africa today, we are   Differences in vehicle weight limits,
         and passenger movement. However, poor   facing some operational constraints with   cargo handling regulations, and rail
         road infrastructure, particularly in rural   some congestion and lack of equipment   gauge standards complicate cross-border
         and landlocked regions, increases costs   that they cannot cover the markets,”   logistics, making seamless multimodal
         and delays. Many roads remain unpaved   remarked Trefault.          connectivity difficult. Border delays and
         or poorly maintained, limiting trade and   Ports handle over 90% of Africa’s trade   customs red tape remain a
         disrupting supply chains. The Trans-  but suffer from inefficiencies such as   major obstacle to efficient trade in
         African Highway (TAH) network aims to   congestion, slow customs clearance, and
         enhance regional connectivity but remains   outdated infrastructure. Major ports like
         incomplete, hindering seamless multimodal   Durban, Mombasa, Lagos, and Tangier-
         transport integration.            Med face capacity constraints, leading to
           Caroline Trefault, Intermodal   delays. New port developments, including
         Specialist—Africa at MSC, highlighted   Lamu (Kenya) and Ndayane (Senegal), aim
         a key challenge in Africa’s transport   to alleviate congestion, while modernisation
         infrastructure during an interview with   projects introduce automation and
         STAT Media Group at Air Cargo Africa   expanded container-handling facilities to
         2025 in Nairobi. “Road-wise, there is   improve efficiency.
         a big improvement on the highway.   Air transport, though a smaller part
         However, most of the time, these   of Africa’s logistics network, is vital for
         highways do not connect to the border   high-value, perishable, and time-sensitive
         country. As a result, we always face the   goods. Ethiopian Airlines leads the air
         issue that the roads are not always easily   cargo sector, connecting key markets
         accessible,” she explained.       globally. Airports like Jomo Kenyatta
           Railways offer a cost-effective solution   (Kenya) and OR Tambo (South Africa)
         for bulk cargo transport, reducing road   are investing in cold storage, automation,

       20 LUA                                                                                  MARCH - APRIL 2025
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