Page 12 - LUA March-April 2025
P. 12
How Kenya is
Kenya’s flower exports have
surged significantly, with
its market share rising from
8.6% in 2003 to 16.1% in
2024, solidifying its role as
a key global supplier, reports
Rajarshi Chatterjee.
lowers have long been a universal is exporting moments of love, joy, and
symbol of love and romance, celebration worldwide.
playing a central role in expressions The global flower trade has transformed
F of affection across cultures. From remarkably over the past two decades, with
the single red rose exchanged on a first Kenya and Ethiopia emerging as dominant
date to the extravagant wedding bouquets forces in the industry. Once overshadowed
symbolising new beginnings, fresh flowers by traditional exporters like Colombia and
fuel heartfelt moments worldwide. Every the Netherlands, these African nations have
petal tells a story, and probably behind each capitalised on shifting market dynamics
bouquet is a journey that starts in the lush Kenya’s to secure a significant share of the air-
flower farms of Kenya. floriculture and transported flower trade. According to an
Nestled in the highlands, where cool fresh produce IATA report based on data from Global
temperatures and fertile soils create the Trade Tracker, Kenya’s market share has
perfect conditions for floriculture, Kenyan industries give it surged from 8.6% in 2003 to 16.1% in 2024,
farms burst into bloom year-round. Here, a unique position while Ethiopia has firmly established itself
thousands of workers carefully tend to in global trade, with a 5.5% stake.
roses, summer flowers, and exotic blooms, Even though Colombia remains the
ensuring each stem reaches global markets supplying markets leading flower exporter, its market share
in pristine condition. Kenya is at the heart worldwide with has declined from 50.2% in 2003 to 42.3%
of this flourishing trade, contributing to premium-quality in 2024. Meanwhile, once a key player, the
the $3.7 billion global air-transported Netherlands has been overtaken by the
flower trade in 2024, up from $852 exports. growing influence of Kenya, Ecuador and
million in 2003—a four-fold increase, STANISLAS BRUN Ethiopia. Ecuador has expanded its market
according to IATA. With each shipment, ETIHAD CARGO presence, while Kenya has significantly
Kenya is not just exporting flowers; it strengthened its position, benefiting from