Page 26 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 26


               Kuehne+Nagel Project Logistics transports wind

             turbine components for Haru Oni project

               eading logistics provider     Haru Oni project. It is designed   It is the world's first integrated,
            LKuehne+Nagel Group recently     to be the world's first integrated   commercial, industrial-scale
             announced in a post on LinkedIn   commercial hydrogen plant for   hydrogen plant for making synthetic
             that in the winter of 2022, the   producing synthetic climate-  climate-neutral fuels. Synthetic
             Kuehne+Nagel Project Logistics        neutral fuel from wind and   fuels produced by the plant allow
             team had successfully transported       water. The Haru Oni     vehicles to be nearly CO2-neutral,
             the main wind turbine components        project explores the    offering contributions toward
             needed for the pilot phase of the   future of fuel from wind and water.   climate protection.

           Intradco, Magma transport horses to Congo                               Menzies, FlySafair

                                                                                expand partnership

                                                                                in South Africa

                                                                                    enzies Aviation, the global
                                                                                Maviation logistics specialist,
                                                                                has expanded its partnership with
                                                                                FlySafair, a low-cost carrier in
                                                                                South Africa, from one airport to
                                                                                seven. "The five-year contract will
                                                                                see Menzies provide passenger
          ntradco Global and Magma Aviation   Havers, Equine Cargo Account Manager,   and ramp services for 40,000-
         Iworked together recently to arrange   Intradco Global. "So the paperwork and   plus turns per year at O.R. Tambo
         the safe journey of three VIP horses   flight details had to be very precisely   International Airport, Cape
         to Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic   managed by all parties. The horses were   Town International Airport, King
         of Congo in early December last year.   handled with great care at the Horse   Shaka International Airport, King
         Intradco, working with horse shipper   Inn Liège during the loading process   Phalo Airport, Dawid Stuurman
         European Horse Services, successfully   and were accompanied by a professional   International Airport, and George
         delivered the three horses from Liège   flying groom on the 7.5-hour flight. They   Airport. This builds on an existing
         Airport to N'Djili International Airport,   arrived safely and in perfect condition   relationship at Bram Fischer
         says an official release. "Kinshasa is not   after a smooth journey, and our client was   International Airport," says a release
         a common lane for horses," says Sara   very happy with the outcome."   from Menzies.

       24 LUA                                                                             JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023
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