Page 23 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 23

3SC Solutions brings on
                MSC completes Bolloré                                        board Ozlem Ongun as

             Africa acquisition for €5.7bn                                   Director - Middle East & Africa

                                                                                SC Solutions, a leading supply chain
               olloré announced the        release from Bolloré SE."The Bolloré   3solutions company, has announced the
            Bcompletion of a 100 percent   Group will remain strongly involved   appointment of Ozlem Ongun as Director
             sale of Bolloré Africa Logistics,   in Africa, notably through Canal+,   of Middle East and Africa. With a deep
             comprising all of the Bolloré Group   and will also continue to develop on   understanding of supply chain practices
             transport and logistics activities in   this continent its activities in many   both globally and regionally, she has been
             Africa, to the MSC Group on the   fields such as communications,   working as a Sales Management, Business
             basis of an enterprise value of €5.7   entertainment, telecommunications,   Development, and Partner Management
             billion, net of minority interests.   and publishing." MSC, in an official   expert since 1999 at brands like IBM,
             "The sale price of the shares is   statement, reiterated that it will   Motorola, Gartner, and DemandTex
             €5.1 billion, and 600 million euros   operate Bolloré Africa Logistics   Consulting Group. As such, she possesses
              of shareholder loans were also   Group as an autonomous entity with   a bevy of experience in leading large-
                           repaid," says a   its portfolio of diversified partners   scale operational and expansion projects
                                           under a new brand to be unveiled   in several domains. During her long
                                                   in 2023.                  career, she has conducted business
                                                                             engagements with many top retailers and
                                                                             manufacturers in Turkey and the Middle
                                                                             East, working primarily with C-Level
                                                                             enterprises. She also has
                                                                             a retail industry
                                                                             experience at Best
                                                                             Buy, where she
                                                                             managed the
                                                                             entry of a global
                                                                             brand into
                                                                             the Turkish


              Concerted actions must for air transport sustainability: AFRAA

              he African Airlines Association (AFRAA)
           Tand Air Senegal concluded the 54th
           annual general assembly in Dakar, Senegal
           recently. "The assembly, which brought
           together 456 delegates from 42 countries
           under the theme Acing the Roadmap
           to Sustainable African Aviation, called
           upon African airlines and air transport
           stakeholders to act on initiatives and
           strategies that will drive the sustainability
           of the air transport sector to realize its
           potential," says a release from AFRAA. The
           plan includes the air transport sustainability
           roadmap, the effective implementation of
           the Single African Air Transport Market
           (SAATM), the Continental Free Trade
           Agreement (AfCFTA), and the Free
           Movement Protocol, the release added.

          JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023                                                                          LUA 21
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