Page 24 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 24


                                                                                Zipline, Rwanda
                MSC starts services to                                       announce partnership for

                                                                             instant logistics
             Congo Republic, Democratic

             Republic of Congo

                 SC has announced the opening   and Southeast Asia. India will be
             Mof new markets: Congo        connected to Pointe-Noire via
             Republic (CR) with Pointe Noire   transshipment Colombo," says an
             and the Democratic Republic of   official release. Pointe-Noire will
             Congo (DRC) with Matadi. "The   be added to the Angola service,
             first sailing from Asia to Pointe-  serving as a transshipment call   ipline, the global leader in instant
             Noire, on the Africa Express   for cargo from Asia to Angola     Zlogistics and deliveries, announced
             service, will be on January 4,   calling Lunda and Namibe ports,   a partnership with the Government of
             2023, from Xingang with the   and Walvis Bay in Namibia. "Also,   Rwanda that aims to complete nearly
             MSC VIRGO, voyage FY301. It   we will be able to ship cargo from   two million instant deliveries and fly
             will enable a direct connection   Europe via transshipment to Lomé,   more than 200 million autonomous
             with China, South Korea, Japan,   Togo, to CR and DRC."          kilometers in Rwanda by 2029. "Under
                                                                              the new partnership, Rwanda will
                                                                              triple its delivery volume by adding
                                                                              new delivery sites in rural and urban
                                                                              locations throughout the country
                                                                              and opening up Zipline's service to
                                                                              other government entities. In doing
                                                                              so, Rwanda is bringing innovative and
                                                                              environmentally friendly logistics and
                                                                              delivery to the country, and it will be the
                                                                              first country in the world with the ability
                                                                              to make autonomous instant deliveries
                                                                              to its entire population," says a release
                                                                              from Zipline.

           AFKLM Martinair Cargo partners with Oceanographic Institute of

         Monaco to transfer 46 African spurred tortoises to Senegal

            ir France KLM Martinair Cargo (AFKLMP
         ACargo) has announced that it has worked
         with the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
         to transport 46 juvenile tortoises to Le Village
         des Tortues in Noflaye, Senegal, as part of a
         population reinforcement project. This transfer
         is one phase of a three-year programme. Since
         2012, the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco has
         been home to several African spurred tortoises
         (Centrochelys sulcata), the third largest land
         tortoise in the world. These herbivorous reptiles,
         from a breeding centre in Mali, were
         entrusted to Robert Calcagno, director-
         general of the Oceanographic Institute
         of Monaco, in order to educate
         visitors about the need to protect this
         endangered species.

       22 LUA                                                                             JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023
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