Page 22 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 22


                Carriers losing control of the market: Drewry

                deep-seated instinct to preserve   steps to reduce capacity before the   in the industry, that consolidation and
              A  volumes has kicked in, leaving   market got completely out of hand.   more efficient carrier alliances would
              carriers without control of the market,   "We were wrong (although we always   help change old habits. That was
              says Drewry in its latest Container   said carrier behaviour was a major   wrong too." It is now clear, Drewry
              Forecaster report. "We gave carriers   risk to our forecasts). "Over the   says in its recent report, that carriers
              too much credit by thinking they   course of this extraordinary phase   have lost control of the container
              would proactively manage capacity,"   in container shipping’s history, we   market, have failed to proactively
              says the report. Drewry was fairly   convinced ourselves, after much   manage capacity, and will act on
              confident, up until a few months ago,   dialogue with various stakeholders   capacity only when they are forced to
              that carriers would take necessary   that a structural change had occurred   do so by heavy losses.

            Chinese container rates drop as                                     Healthcare supply

         Lunar New Year cargo rush fails                                     chain management
                                                                             market is set to witness
                                                                             a CAGR of 9.71% during
           he bad news for liner operators   loading in China will normally end
         Tappears to have no end, according   4 percent higher. This year, both spot   2023-2033: Report
         to a recent update from BIMCO. "In a   and average rates, however, continue to
         normal year, the weeks leading up to   fall." The China Containerized Freight
         the Chinese New Year (CNY) bring an   Index (CCFI) has seen a 50 percent drop
         increase in volumes and freight rates. So   since February 2022 and stood at 1,730
         far, however, the lead-up to CNY in 2023   seven weeks ago. Rather than stabilizing
         has been the worst in 13 years. Spot   and then climbing towards CNY, it has
         rates for containers loading in Shanghai   continued to fall. In the first week of
         will normally be 12 percent higher   January, it hit 1,271 and has dropped
         just before CNY than 10 weeks earlier.   by a further 27 percent since mid-
         Similarly, average rates for all containers   November, the update said.  he healthcare supply chain
                                                                              Tmanagement market size is estimated
                                                                             to be USD 2,528.6 million in 2022 and
                                                                             is expected to witness a CAGR of 9.71%
                                                                             during the forecast period 2023-2033.
                                                                             The growing implementation of the GS1
                                                                             set of standards in many countries and
                                                                             rising pressure on healthcare providers
                                                                             are factors contributing to the market
                                                                             growth. These insights are based on
                                                                             the recently released "Healthcare
                                                                             Supply Chain Management Market by
                                                                             Product, Delivery Mode, End User, and
                                                                             by Region - Global Forecast to 2022-
                                                                             2033" report, which has been added to
                                                                   's offering.

       20 LUA                                                                             JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023
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