Page 10 - LUA March-April 2025
P. 10


         make it difficult to establish cold chain                           particularly in rail connectivity to the
         infrastructure in rural areas.                                      Mombasa port. Although the Standard
           To address this, Ojepat emphasises                                Gauge Railway (SGR) offers a faster
         the need for public-private partnerships                            alternative to road transport, its limited
         to invest in solar-powered cold storage                             capacity for reefer (refrigerated) containers
         units and improve access to refrigerated                            remains a challenge. “Only 20 wagons
         transport. “Without proper first-mile                               on the SGR are equipped for refrigerated
         cooling, we risk compromising the quality                           cargo, which is insufficient given the
         of our produce before it even reaches the                           volume of fresh produce moving to the
         pack house,” he noted.                                              port,” Ngenga said.
           Ngenga reminded, “If the cold chain is   Growers are investing       Kenya Railways has committed to
         broken during transport, the benefits of pre-                       expanding reefer capacity, but until
         cooling at the farm level are lost.”     significant money in       that happens, many exporters must rely
           The government and private sector must   production, but the      on costly trucking solutions, further
         invest in refrigerated transport solutions   high cost of logistics   increasing logistics costs. “There are
         and improve road infrastructure to ensure                           ongoing test trials to move reefer
         produce arrives at processing hubs in    is squeezing their         containers by rail, which will help address
         optimal condition.                       profit margins.            the challenges of carbon emissions and
           On the positive side, over the past 25                            transport efficiency,” Ogambi noted.
         years, Kenya’s perishable logistics ecosystem     LASITHA PERERA       “We’ve seen major improvements with the
                                                                  EFL GLOBAL
         has undergone major infrastructure                                  Nairobi expressway and plans for a highway
         advancements, according to Brar-Patel.                              to Mombasa, which will drastically improve
           Freight forwarders now have their own   Mombasa International Airport, despite   cargo movement,” Perera added. “The ability
         cold storage and vacuum cooling facilities   handling return charter flights from Europe,   to efficiently move goods between Kenya,
         rather than relying solely on ground   is not widely used for perishables because   Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda is critical for
         handlers. Growers have invested in farm-  there is no local cold chain ecosystem to   trade diversification,” he added.
         level cold storage to maintain product   support fresh produce exports.  Talking about diversification, Kenya’s
         quality from harvest to shipment. Road   Caleb Kositany, Chair of the Board, Kenya   perishable exports remain heavily reliant
         infrastructure improvements, including   Airports Authority, emphasised Kenya’s   on the European market, leaving exporters
         Nairobi’s expressway, have reduced transit   commitment to multimodal transport   vulnerable to economic shifts and regulatory
         times for perishable goods. “The biggest   integration, which is crucial for both intra-  changes. However, the industry is actively
         transformation has been in temperature-  African and global trade.   seeking new destinations in Asia, the Middle
         controlled transport. Today, growers use   He was speaking during the inaugural   East, and North America.
         refrigerated trucks to ensure a seamless cold   session of the recently concluded air cargo
         chain, which was unheard of two decades   Africa and transport logistic Africa 2025   MARKETS BEYOND EUROPE
         ago,” Brar-Patel noted.           in Nairobi.                       While Kenya has secured market access to
           Meanwhile, Perera highlighted the need   A key initiative in this direction is   India and China for avocados, high import
         for continued investments in first-mile   the development of a sea-air terminal at   tariffs (30% in India) and strict fumigation
         cooling solutions at farms and logistics hubs.   Moi International Airport in Mombasa,   requirements in China have made these
         “Pre-cooling is essential to extending shelf   which will allow inbound sea freight to   markets less attractive. “We are working with
         life. The more growers and logistics providers   be seamlessly transferred to air cargo   the government to negotiate lower tariffs
         invest in vacuum cooling, the better the   for rapid distribution to landlocked East   in India and seeking alternative treatment
         product quality in the final market,” he said.  African countries. “Investors should pay   methods for China to avoid quality
           Kenya has several regional airports   attention to Mombasa. Once this facility   deterioration,” Ngenga stated.
         that could ease the burden on JKIA, yet   is operational, it will transform the speed   Despite these hurdles, the UAE and
         most remain underutilised, again, due to   and efficiency of cargo movement in the   South Korea are emerging as promising
         infrastructure gaps. Mombasa, Kisumu, and   region,” Kositany said.  markets. Ojepat believes diversifying to
         Eldoret airports could play a significant role   Kenya is also leveraging its strategic   India, China, and the Middle East is critical
         in decentralising perishable exports, but they   location by improving road infrastructure,   for long-term sustainability.
         lack essential facilities.        such as the Lamu Port-South Sudan-   Africa’s perishable exports hold immense
                                           Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor   potential but face logistics hurdles—from
         INTEGRATING AIR,                  and expanding Isiolo International Airport   high costs and air freight shortages to cold
         RAIL, ROAD                        as a vital regional logistics hub. “Isiolo’s   chain gaps. Strengthening collaboration,
         “Kisumu is surrounded by agricultural   location in the heart of Kenya makes it an   investing in multimodal transport, and
         counties, but without proper cold chain   ideal hub for air cargo distribution across   improving infrastructure are key to
         facilities, exporters are forced to transport   Africa,” he added.  unlocking growth. With the right strategies,
         produce over 450 kilometres to Nairobi,”   Kenya’s push for more sea freight   Africa can build a resilient supply chain and
         Ojepat said.                      exports is hindered by infrastructure gaps,   expand its global reach.

       8 LUA                                                                                   MARCH - APRIL 2025
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