Page 8 - Logistics Update Africa March - April 2024 issue for Website
P. 8
He pointed out that MSC has
bolstered its reefer container fleet and
devised innovative intermodal solutions,
establishing connections between the
hinterland and major East African ports
through enhanced road and rail networks.
“These initiatives are complemented
by partnerships with reliable logistics
firms, ensuring seamless delivery to ports.
Moreover, strategic investments in reefer
depots and the continuous training of
personnel in container maintenance play
pivotal roles in overcoming logistical
hurdles. Collaboration with exporters
remains paramount, as it ensures the
preservation of temperature-controlled
cargo freshness throughout the entire
logistics chain, from initial pick-up to final
delivery—a critical aspect in cold chain
Now we are focusing on the Middle logistics management,” he said.
East. The perishable movements from Lina Jamwa-Musibi, membership,
Nairobi are booming and especially the advocacy and communications manager,
Middle Eastern markets are growing Kenya Flower Council (KFC) pointed out
exponentially,” he said. the disrupted nature of the flower supply
He also pointed out that the export chain. She noted that ocean movements
of meat to the Middle East is increasing of flowers started a year back, because of
and they move 20 to 30 tonnes of meat its low shipping cost and sustainability
every day, except for Monday as the Traditionally we factors, but are not happening now due to
slaughterhouses are closed on Sundays. have been focusing the Red Sea crisis.
Shipping flowers and perishables from “The experiments to move flower
Africa is a complex challenge, requiring on Europe and even shipment through the ocean have been
long-term commitment from all players the Middle Eastern successful even though it is not suitable for
in the supply chain. Limited space on carriers that fly to certain varieties of flowers. Jeddah has been
aircraft due to reduced cargo holds and an important transhipment hub for these
fewer passenger flights from Africa Kenya also focus movements and the crisis in the ocean has
creates logistical challenges for producers. on Europe. Now closed that option for shippers,” she said.
This often leads to spoilage, costing we are focusing on While there are challenges in the
African producers millions annually. One movement of flowers and perishables, big
major solution lies in building a solid the Middle East. changes in the logistics, supply chain and
cold chain where it creates a temperature- The perishable infrastructure are visible. There are also
controlled system from the farm to the movements from changes in consumer demand as well as
final destination. markets where African produce ends up.
Investment in cold storage facilities Nairobi to these Talking about the recent changes in
at farms, refrigerated trucks for markets are growing consumer behaviour, Ostend–Bruges
transportation, and airport cold rooms exponentially. International Airport's chief executive
are all crucial. Kenya's recent investment officer Eric Dumas noted that consumers
in airport cold storage facilities has PETER MUSOLA are increasingly aware of sustainable
significantly reduced flower spoilage, KENYA AIRWAYS practices and corporate social responsibility.
demonstrating the effectiveness of this “There is a growing trend to favour
approach. Technology can also play a vital flower and perishable shippers in East seasonal produce, grown and harvested
role. Real-time tracking and improved Africa is that it revolves around the absence close to where it is consumed, with
communication between supply chain of cost-effective transportation options, particular attention paid to reducing the
partners can help identify and address thereby heavily relying on air cargo. carbon footprint, particularly in terms
potential delays before they cause “The predominant challenges lie in the of transport. This represents a risk for
significant product loss. poor condition of roads and disorganised outlets in this market, particularly in
Meanwhile, the MSC Mediterranean railways, which do not efficiently Europe,” he said.
Shipping Company spokesperson noted accommodate the movement of reefers, Product traceability has become a
that one of the primary hurdles confronting proving to be costly,” he said. priority, Dumas says as he mentions