Page 13 - Logistics Update Africa March - April 2024 issue for Website
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Maersk, a leading company in the DATA: KEY TO oxygen levels ensures optimal conditions
logistics sector, advocates for ocean transport TRANSFORMING for flower preservation, even amidst the
as a sustainable solution for reducing PERISHABILITY OF rigours of long-distance transit.
greenhouse gas emissions and transportation FLOWERS As the story unfolds, a sense of
costs. Compared to other modes of As the narrative unfolds, a pivotal question optimism pervades the air. With each data
transportation, ocean transport emits fewer emerges: can data-driven decisions truly point collected, each decision informed
greenhouse gases, provides reliable and revolutionise the perishability of flowers? by analytics, the dream of turning flowers
secure delivery, and reduces costs. The answer lies in the intersection from perishable to non-perishable items
By adopting sustainable transportation of technology and tradition, where inches closer to reality.
methods along with transparency of data innovation meets the age-old artistry of Yet, challenges remain on the horizon.
across the entire supply chain, businesses floral cultivation. Inflation, labour scarcity, and economic
can move towards a greener future as well Furthermore, the integration of digital uncertainties cast a shadow over the
as reduce operational expenses. But, air tracking solutions heralds a new era of industry, underscoring the need for
transportation still remains the fastest and transparency and control. Real-time continued innovation and adaptation. And
most-preferred logistical option. Moreover, monitoring of temperature, humidity, and yet, amidst these challenges, the promise
the industry should consider using 100% of data-driven decisions shines bright,
sustainable aviation fuel and switching illuminating a path towards a future where
to electric aircraft systems to enhance flowers bloom for a long time, transcending
sustainability efforts. the constraints of time and season.
However, sustainability isn't just about Transparent data-driven decisions
extending shelf life; it's about reimagining are transforming the floral industry.
the entire supply chain with an eye Transparency in global flower supply
towards environmental stewardship chains isn't just a trend—it's essential.
and social responsibility. By reducing While concerns about sharing company
carbon footprints, improving packaging data persist, the benefits outweigh
sustainability, and investing in local the risks. Data sharing drives growth
communities, industry stakeholders align through collaboration and synergy,
themselves with the evolving standards of essential in today's competitive
ESG performance. market. It also fosters improvement by
But why share data across the collectively addressing weaknesses.
industry? As shared in a recent post by In an era of rapid technological
FlowerWatch, Jeroen van der Hulst, the advancement, adaptability trumps
CEO of FlowerWatch, believes in the secrecy, fostering innovation and
benefits of sharing data across the resilience. Moreover, consumers
industry. He argues that doing so fosters demand ethically sourced,
the growth of the industry, pushes sustainable products, giving
for improvements, and meets the transparent supply chains a
expectations of today's consumers competitive edge. Ultimately,
who demand transparency and data-backed insights
sustainability. It is through collective enhance sustainability, cold
action that industry players can strive chain integrity, and future-
towards meeting the discerning proof businesses against
needs of consumers. risk and unpredictability.