Page 33 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 33


                                                                                IATA launches
                                                                             programme to improve

                                                                             aviation safety in Africa

            Ethiopian Airlines, Ethiopost

         partner to streamline                                                  he International Air Transport

         e-commerce business                                                 Collaborative Aviation Safety Improvement
                                                                              TAssociation (IATA) is launching the
                                                                             Program (CASIP) to reduce the accident
           thiopian Airlines and Ethiopost,   various areas of cooperation in   and serious incident rate across Africa
         Ethe designated postal operator   both the domestic and international   as part of the Focus Africa initiative.
         of Ethiopia, recently announced   e-commerce supply chain. These    Launch partners in the programme are
         the signing of a memorandum of   include international transport,   International Civil Aviation Organization
         understanding (MOU) that aims to   domestic logistics, transit services, and   (ICAO), African Civil Aviation
         revolutionize Ethiopia’s e-commerce   transshipment operations, with a strong   Commission (AFCAC), U.S. Federal
         landscape, positioning the country   focus on streamlining and optimizing   Aviation Administration (FAA), Boeing and
         as the gateway for e-commerce in   the entire e-commerce business flow,”   the Airlines Association of Southern Africa
         Africa. “The parties have identified   the Ethiopost release read.  (AASA), cited an IATA release.

              Maersk to pioneer conversion to methanol

           dual-fuel engine

                                                                                     aersk, in an industry
                                                                                 Mfirst, is slated to retrofit
                                                                                 an existing ship to a dual-
                                                                                 fuel methanol powered vessel
                                                                                 and sail on green methanol.
                                                                                 The first engine retrofit in
                                                                                 the industry is scheduled to
                                                                                 be conducted in 2024 and
                                                                                 replicate on other vessels when
                                                                                 going for special survey in
                                                                                 2027, cited a release. Leonardo
                                                                                 Sonzio, Head of Fleet
                                                                                 Management and Technology,
                                                                                 Maersk said, "Ultimately,
                                                                                 we want to demonstrate
                                                                                 that methanol retrofits can
                                                                                 be a viable alternative to

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