Page 27 - LUA Sep - October 2022 for Magzter
P. 27
Astral, Reliable to work on automated
aircraft for improving safety
eliable Robotics and Kenya-based Astral Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) "We are preparing for explosive growth
RAviation announced a collaboration to certify its automation system on the in regional trade and the need to transport
to enhance aviation safety and increase Cessna 208 Caravan and begin commercial significantly more air cargo across Africa,"
air cargo connectivity in sub-Saharan cargo operations in the United States. The says Sanjeev Gadhia, Founder and CEO,
Africa through the use of automated collaboration with Astral Aviation will Astral Aviation.
aircraft. The companies will work together enable international expansion into Africa Robert Rose, Co-founder and CEO,
to develop operational, regulatory and where the Caravan is an essential utility Reliable Robotics, said: "The African
business plans to launch automated aircraft with nearly 350 currently operating aviation sector is primed for change and
aircraft operations in sub-Saharan Africa. across the continent, says a release from automated aircraft can be part of the
Reliable Robotics is working with the Astral and Reliable. solution to the market's constraints.”
Zipline, Jumia join forces to pioneer drone delivery to homes across Africa
umia, the leading e-commerce platform and from the comfort of their homes.
Jin Africa, and Zipline, the world's "Using the latest instant logistics
largest instant delivery service, have technology will allow Jumia to offer our
announced a collaboration to deploy consumers on-demand delivery of the
automated, on-demand delivery for products they need – instantly. Whether
e-commerce in Africa. they're ordering electronics, fashion,
The pilot program and testing were health, beauty, or other categories,
launched a few months ago in Ghana, Zipline's instant logistics system will
as per a release from the company. The provide fast and convenient access. This
collaboration will integrate Zipline's will support Jumia's commitment to
automated, on-demand delivery system sustainability and innovation and provide
with Jumia's existing distribution network much-needed access to rural and remote
to enable customers to receive instant, on- areas where conventional delivery services
demand delivery of exactly the products have challenges," said Apoorva Kumar,
they want, exactly when they want them EVP Jumia, Group COO.