Bollore Transport & Logistics Kenya transports medical supplies to Khartoum by air
Bollore Transport

June 17, 2020: Bollore Transport & Logistics Kenya in association with Astral Aviation has transported medical equipment from Nairobi, Kenya to Khartoum, Sudan for the NGO Save the Children International. The teams have successfully delivered two separate shipments of 14 tonnes and 12 tonnes using a direct charter flight to Sudan. These supplies will be distributed to over 90 health facilities in the country and will help meeting children needs during the Covid-19 outbreak.
From May 3 – 29, Bollore Logistics Tanzania has launched air charter solutions between China and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Meanwhile, Bolloré Transport & Logistics Côte d’Ivoire has developed dedicated logistics solutions for the shipment of mango via airlift. Since April 24, the teams have chartered three flights for a total of 78 tonnes, thereby bringing players in the sector an alternative amid the current health crisis.
In another development, Bolloré Logistics India successfully moved a charter for Aid & Relief and Healthcare shipments from Mumbai, India, to Yangon, Myanmar. It organised these expeditions through two charter flights. The first flight was carried out on April 29 with SpiceJet using B737-700F. The second flight was operated on May 15 on IndiGo’s A320, a passenger aircraft used as a makeshift freighter.
On June 6, a Corsair A330, chartered by the company, took off from Hanoi Noi Bai airport with 1,382 boxes onboard, for a total volume of 138 cubic metres.Since the start of the crisis, Bolloré has played an active role in the transport of protective masks from Asia by implementing two airlifts with China and Vietnam. As of May 31, over half a billion masks had been transported via the airlifts, along with other protective equipment including surgical gloves, hydroalcoholic gel and respirators.
Even Bolloré Logistics Canada chartered the largest cargo plane in the world - A225, to provide Canadians with much needed PPE gear.
On June 7, Bolloré Logistics successfully completed the transport of over one million protective masks from Vietnam to Réunion.
As part of its response plan to combat the Covid-19 in Abidjan Terminal, Bolloré Logistics donated five containers to the Pasteur Institute. These equipped and refrigerated equipment will improve the institute's analytical and research capabilities.
Recently, Cote d'Ivoire region has appointed Joel Hounsinou as the chief executive officer.