Siemens to set up global logistics headquarter in Dubai
Supplychain - Siemens have recently announced plans to set up its global logistics headquarters including its portfolio for airports, cargo infrastructure and ports in Dubai. The company will also target the site of Expo 2020 Dubai as the future location for this business after the exposition ends.

Apr 21, 2017: Siemens have recently announced plans to set up its global logistics headquarters including its portfolio for airports, cargo infrastructure and ports in Dubai. The company will also target the site of Expo 2020 Dubai as the future location for this business after the exposition ends. The move supports the legacy aspirations of Expo 2020 Dubai, as well as the industrial and logistics developments in the emirate.
Siemens sees great growth potential in the Middle East region and in the logistics market globally. The company expects this development to support its Vision 2020 and related logistics businesses, creating new growth opportunities globally.
Roland Busch, managing board member and chief technology officer, Siemens, said, "This strategic decision highlights Dubai's significance as a major player in global transport and logistics, with some of the world's biggest airlines and ports operating in and around the emirate. Siemens wants to further expand its operations in order to be close to key customers and markets."
"The Expo site would be a perfect match, featuring state-of-the-art facilities, infrastructure and technology, coupled with enviable transport connections. We are committed to contributing to Dubai's economic development goals with the latest innovations in technology. By using digitalisation and leveraging MindSphere, our open, cloud-based IoT operating system, we support growth and boost efficiencies in logistics."
The headquarters in Dubai would include Siemens' competencies in its portfolio fields for airports, cargo infrastructure and ports. All levels of value addition would be represented locally, including global management and strategy, innovation, digitalisation software development, sales, assembly and production.
The global logistics market is growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5 percent, according to Transparency Market Research. In a recent report, Frost Sullivan estimated the UAE's logistics sector will grow at a CAGR of 5.7 per
cent between 2015 and 2020.