FIATA renews partnership with Wisetech Global to enhance digital trade
The partnership aims to enhance and improve the digital realm for the forwarder, providing the necessary support for the switch from paper to paperless trade.

FIATA and Wisetech Global continue their partnership for the second year in a row as the digital transformation of the global logistics supply chain breaks new barriers.
As FIATA continues to enable digital commerce for its members through its Digital FBL, the necessity for strong and dependable partners on the global logistics supply chain's digitization path is more vital than ever. As a result, FIATA is renewing its cooperation with WiseTech Global, making the eFBL available to its clients through the industry-leading CargoWise platform.
The two parties share a vast global audience and have a joint goal to enable the seamless digitalisation of the logistics industry, in which collaboration with international partners is paramount. This aims to enhance and improve the digital realm for the forwarder, providing the necessary support for the switch from paper to paperless trade.
"FIATA is thrilled to continue this partnership with Wisetech Global, which has been a leading light throughout the industry trade document digitalisation process for FIATA Members. The digital freight forwarder dream can become a reality thanks to the hard work and ongoing collaboration of software providers like Wisetech Global, and we always welcome the opportunity to partner with talented and impactful providers as such," said Stéphane Graber, Director General, FIATA.
In 2022, the two came together ahead of the launch of the FIATA Digital FBL, which has thus far been implemented by 26 FIATA Associations from around the world who can now onboard their members to distribute the paperless document, with the support of 22 software providers including WiseTech Global, which was one of the pioneering parties upon the launch.FIATA renews partnership with Wisetech Global to enhance digital trade
"We look forward to further collaboration as we continue to partner on innovative projects for the benefit of FIATA's members and CargoWise customers," said Tudor Maxwell, Head of WiseTech Academy, WiseTech Global.