JAXPORT registers 13% growth in Asian container volumes
Shipping - JAXPORT has obtained 13 percent growth in Asian container shipments over the first six months of 2017 over the same period last year.

Apr 25, 2017: JAXPORT has obtained 13 percent growth in Asian container shipments over the first six months of 2017 over the same period last year. The port has moved 178,249 twenty-foot equivalent container units (TEU) compared to 157,689 TEU during the same period in FY2016.
JAXPORT's Asian container cargo business accounted, 36 percent of business in the first six months of FY2017, up from 33 percent the same period in FY2016 and just 7 percent in FY2014.
The port has recorded an average of 21 percent annual growth in Asian container volumes during the past five years.
JAXPORT offers a direct trade with Asian ports through both the Panama and Suez Canals. The world’s three largest ocean carrier alliances, THE Alliance, 2M and Ocean Alliance, offer service through JAXPORT. These alliances now dominate Asian trade with the U.S.
A federal project to deepen the Jacksonville shipping channel to 47 feet will offer the largest container ships calling on the U.S. East Coast unobstructed access to the port’s terminals.
JAXPORT continues to invest in infrastructure upgrades including a new on-dock rail facility, new 100-gauge container cranes and ongoing enhancements to terminal berths, docks and rail.