At AFRAA AGA, aviation leaders to set roadmap for industry’s recovery
The African Airlines Associations 52nd annual general assembly in association with TAAG Angola

November 04, 2020: The African Airlines Association’s (AFRAA) 52nd annual general assembly (AGA) in association with TAAG Angola, themed as, ‘Redefining Air Transport for a New Era’, is set to deliberate on strategies to navigate the impacts of Covid-19 and embark on a new era for the industry.
The virtual format of the AGA will be held from November 9 to10, 2020. The event will gather over 500 high profile African and global aviation leaders to draw a roadmap for a successful restart and recovery of the African aviation industry.
Also Read: AFRAA to organise 52nd AGA virtually on Nov 9
Speaking ahead of the summit, Abderahmane Berthe, AFRAA’s secretary general, said, “AFRAA has been at the forefront of key efforts to support the African aviation ecosystem during these exceptional times. This assembly will be the platform through which we will chart a new course, determine the strategic next steps towards a more resilient and vibrant African air transport market.â€
Logistics Update Africa will be moderating a session on day 2 themed, ‘Air cargo: A Key Contributor to Sustainability of the Air Transport industry’.
On his part, TAAG Angola CEO Rui Carreira, commented, “2020 has been a very difficult year. African carriers faced daunting challenges way before Covid-19. The pandemic has severely impacted the air transport industry and African airlines have been adversely affected in their operations. This summit will be the opportunity for our fraternity to reset and map the way forward.â€
The spectrum of deliberations at the assembly will focus on issues of concern to the industry including: collaborative strategies for recovery and sustainability; Air transport recovery trends and building blocks for the continent, alignment of the tourism and the air transport sectors for recovery, getting back to business beyond 2020 among other high-level discussions.
Click on the link to register for the AGA: