Africa Logistics Network 5th annual meeting at Istanbul in October
Africa Logistics Network, the community of professional freight forwarding companies, will have 160 managers from 110 freight forwarders companies present at its 5th annual meeting from October 13 -16 in Istanbul at Hotel Hilton Bomonti.

August 23, 2019: Africa Logistics Network, the community of professional freight forwarding companies, will have 160 managers from 110 freight forwarders companies present at its 5th annual meeting from October 13 -16 in Istanbul at Hotel Hilton Bomonti.
Marcello Saponaro, chairman of Africa Logistics Network, stated, "This year meeting can count on the sponsorship of Ignazio Messina & C., the Italian shipping line supplying over 40 different countries in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Indian subcontinent, and the sponsorship of CargoWise One a comprehensive platform to manage every aspect of a freight forwarding operation, provided by WiseTech Global."
"Istanbul meeting is going to be innovative in the networking business as for the first time two different networks, with distinct managements, will cooperate for the same interest of their members," he noted.
To whom is still asking "Why a network focused on Africa", Alessandro Saponaro, fsounder and honorary president of ALN, replied, "The network was born by our awareness that Africa is the future for development and we trust that Africa's development is growing at the same time with the level of education, professionalism, social cohesion and infrastructures.